How To Print Receipts And Endorsements

The system can be configured to allow you to endorse checks and print receipts using special cashiering station printers. This section describes the print options available.

Note: These options are only available if they have been installed in your system. Installing these options are a delivery and installation issue and are not within the domain of this document.

The print functions are available from the Payment Event, Payment QuickAdd and Payment Event QuickAdd transactions. Refer to those sections for more information.

The print dialog functions are described below.

Description of Page

Use the Endorse button to endorse checks using the cashier station printer. This is only enabled if one of the tender types indicates a check. If there were multiple checks, use the scroll buttons to select them. Feed the appropriate check in the printer and an endorsement message is printed on the back.

Use the Receipt button to print a receipt using the cashier station printer. Choose a Short or Long option. Use the Duplicate button to print a duplicate receipt - this prints the receipt with a "duplicate" label.

Use the Stub button to print special information in bill stub format (account, name, amount). Feed a slip of paper into the printer and the special stub information will be printed.

When you are finished, click Done; click Cancel to exit at any time.

Note: The various text strings that are printed on the receipt and the endorsement are defined on Installation Options - Messages.