Adjustment Staging Control

You must create an adjustment staging control record for each batch of adjustments to be uploaded into the system. The name of this table is CI_​ADJ_​STG_​CTL.

The following table lists and describes each column of the CI_​ADJ_​STG_​CTL table:
Column Name Length Req'd Data Type Comments
ADJ_​STG_​CTL_​ID 12 Y N This is the unique identifier of the adjustment staging control record. This key is a sequential number so you can use a database function to assign the value when populating the table.
CRE_​DTTM 15 Y DateTime This is the date / time on which the adjustment staging control record was created. This must be populated with the current date / time.
ADJ_​STG_​CTL_​STATUS_​FLG 4 Y A/N This must be set to P for Pending.
ADJ_​STG_​UP_​REC_​CNT 10 Y N This is the total number of adjustment upload staging records that are linked to this adjustment staging control.
TOT_​ADJ_​AMT 13.2 Y N This column must equal the sum of adjustment amounts on the adjustment upload staging records that are linked to this adjustment staging control.
CURRENCY_​CD 3 Y A/N This must be a valid currency code in the system. Refer to Defining Currency Codes for more information.
MESSAGE_​CATEGORY 5 N N Leave this blank. The adjustment upload preprocessor populates this when an error occurs during upload.
MESSAGE_​NBR 5 N N Leave this blank. The adjustment upload preprocessor populates this when an error occurs during upload.