How Are Write-off Processes (and their Events) Canceled?

When a stopped contract's balance is reduced to zero (i.e., it closes), the system checks if there is an ongoing write-off process associated with the contract. If so:

  • The system "removes" the contract from the write-off process.
  • When the last contract is removed from a write-off process, the system cancels all pending write-off events and deactivates the write-off process.
  • If the canceled process has collection agency referrals, the system cancels the referrals.
Note: Real time cancellation. Unlike collection processes, the system cancels write-off processes real time (i.e., there is no equivalent of the collection process monitor for write-off processes). This means that if a customer (or collection agency) pays for a contract that is linked to write-off process, the system will cancel the process and its collection agency referrals (if any) the moment the payment is entered.
Fastpath: Refer to Setting Up Write Off Process Templates for more information about write off process templates.

Besides the automated cancellation process, a user may cancel a write-off process at will.