Maintaining Packages

After a user enters basic information about a customer on an order, they are shown the various packages that may be offered to the customer. A package controls the various types of contracts that will be created if the customer selects the package.

If the customer elects to take a package, the system sets up / updates the "V" (along with all of the ancillary things that happen when service is initiated).

The topics in this section describe the package transaction.

Fastpath: Refer to The Big Picture of Campaigns, Packages and Orders for general information about packages. Refer to The Big Picture Of Package Eligibility Rules for a discussion of how to control which packages can be used for different types of customers. Refer to Designing Campaigns and Packages for guidelines describing how to design your packages.
Note: An order can be completed without selecting a package. It is possible to use the order transaction to simply create / update persons and accounts. Refer to Campaigns Without Packages for more information.

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Parent Topic: Sales & Marketing