The Big Picture Of Campaign Eligibility Rules

In the previous section, we explained how to Design Eligibility Rules For A Package. In this section, we explain how to design eligibility rules for a campaign.

A campaign's eligibility rules control two things:

  • Whether the campaign appears in the Eligible Campaigns content zone. This content zone suggests possible campaigns for the current customer displayed on control central. You might want to use this zone if you have different campaigns that are offered to different types of customers. Refer to Real-time Marketing of Additional Services to a Customer for an example of how this content zone can be used to "up sell" additional services.
  • Whether the campaign appears on an order's eligibility tree. Campaigns that appear in this tree are alternate campaigns that may be used on the order. Refer to Real-time Marketing of Services to a Prospect for an example of how an order's eligibility tree can contain alternate campaigns for an order.

Designing these criteria can be easy or time-consuming; it all depends on the complexity of your business rules. We'll walk you through several examples to help you form an intuitive understanding of how to setup campaign eligibility rules. Once you've acquired this intuition you'll be ready to design the eligibility rules for your own packages.

Note: Don't confuse eligibility rules for a package with those associated with a campaign. Package eligibility rules control whether a customer is allowed to choose a package. Campaign eligibility rules control whether a campaign is highlighted on the Eligible Campaigns content zone and on an order's eligibility tree.

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