A Quote Shows How Bill Segments Might Look

A quote shows how a customer's bill segments will look if a given set of pricing terms is applied to a given amount of product/charge type. The following example illustrates how a quote might look that provides a customer with two different options for their banking service. If the customer elects either option, a new contract would be created.

The figure illustrates an example where two different pricing options are provided for a service in a quote.

Please note the following about a quote:

  • A quote is related to an account.
  • A quote can contain many quote details. A quote detail shows how bill segments will look if a given set of pricing terms (e.g., rates, riders, contract quantities, time-of-use-maps, contract options, etc.) is applied to a given amount of consumption.
  • A quote detail may contain many simulated bill segments. For example, a quote detail could show the customer what their monthly bills would be if a given set of pricing terms were used over the course of several months (where each month has different consumption levels and different prices).
  • A quote may contain multiple quote details for the same service. For example, a quote can contain four different pricing options for the same service (where each option is shown using a separate quote detail). The customer can then compare them and choose the optimum option.