Accepting / Declining Quote Details

A customer can accept or decline each quote detail on a quote.

When a quote detail is accepted, the system:

  • Changes the state of the related proposal contract to accepted.
  • Executes the Proposal Contract - Acceptance algorithms plugged in on the proposal contract's contract type. The base package algorithm creates a real contract by copying the information from the proposal contract. The real contract is created in the pending start state. This new contract behaves similarly to a pending start contract that's created via the Order or Start/Stop transactions.

When a quote detail is declined, the user must supply a decline reason. The system then changes the state of the related proposal contract to declined.

Fastpath: Refer to Proposal Contract State Transition for more information about a proposal contract's states.
Note: Reopening a declined proposal contract. If a customer changes their mind about a declined proposal contract, you can return it to the quotable state using the contract maintenance transaction.
Note: Rejecting an entire quote. If all details on a quote are being declined, you can simply change the state of the quote to closed rather than reject each quote detail. Refer to Closing Quotes for more information.