Proposal Contract State Transition

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a proposal contract.

The figure indicates how a proposal contract moves from one status to another in its lifecycle.

You should never see an Incomplete proposal contract as this is a transitory state used when a proposal is first initiated using the Order transaction. The system always transitions such proposal contracts to the Pending state. Please note that when a proposal contract becomes Pending, the system executes any Proposal Contract Creation algorithms plugged in on the proposal contract's contract type. You might use such algorithms to generate billing scenarios or initiate a workflow process that requests template consumption from the prospect.

A proposal contract exists in the Pending state while you are working on the proposal. For example, you might want to leave the proposal contract in this state while you wait for the prospect to send you their historical consumption.

A proposal contract is Quotable when a quote detail can be generated for it (at least one billing scenario must be linked to the proposal contract before it can become Quotable). Note, proposal contracts can be modified when they are Quotable.

Note: Automatically transitioning a proposal contract to the Quotable state when it's first created. As described earlier, you can setup a proposal contract creation algorithm to automatically create billing scenarios when a proposal contract is created. The base package algorithm can also automatically transition the proposal contract to the Quotable state (thus making it ready for quotation). Refer to Enabling The Automatic Generation Of Billing Scenarios for more information.

A proposal contract becomes Accepted when a customer accepts one of its quote details.

A proposal contract becomes Declined when a customer declines one of its quote details (or its quote expires). A Declined proposal contract can be "reopened" (by making it Quotable). You may need to do this if you want to change a proposal contract's terms in preparation of generating a new quote detail.

A proposal contract becomes Canceled when a quote detail is withdrawn (or its quote expires). You may need to do this if you want to change a proposal contract's terms in preparation of generating a new quote detail.

Incomplete, Pending and Quotable proposal contracts may be deleted.