Automatic Payment and Refund Clearing Staging

The Automatic Payment and Refund Clearing Staging screen allows you to search for automatic payment or refund clearing records using various search criteria. In addition, you can:

  • View the automatic payment or refund clearing staging records associated to a clearing record

  • View the upload reason and payment cancelation reason or NOC reason specified in the automatic payment clearing staging record

  • View the upload reason and void status reason specified in the automatic refund clearing staging record

  • View the characteristics of the automatic payment or refund clearing staging record

  • Edit an automatic payment or refund clearing staging record

  • Delete an automatic payment or refund clearing staging record

This screen contains the following zones:

Related Topics

For more information on... See...
How to search for a clearing record Searching for a Clearing Record
How to view the clearing staging records associated to a clearing record Viewing the Clearing Staging Records Associated to a Clearing Record
How to view the upload reason specified in the clearing staging record Viewing the Upload Reason Specified in the Clearing Staging Record
How to view the characteristics of the clearing staging record Viewing the Characteristics of the Clearing Staging Record
How to edit a clearing staging record Editing a Clearing Staging Record
How to delete a clearing staging record Deleting a Clearing Staging Record

Parent topic: Freeze Payments on Notification