Editing a Clearing Staging Record


To edit a clearing staging record, you should have:

  • Upload reasons defined in the application

  • NOC reasons defined in the APAY_​UPL_​NOC_​LOOKUP lookup field.

  • Payment cancelation reasons defined in the application

  • Reasons defined for the Voided status of the C1-RefundReq business object in the Status Reason screen

Note: You can edit a clearing staging record when it is in the Pending or Error status. On editing a clearing staging record which is in the Error status, the status of the clearing staging record is changed to Pending. Also, the exceptions logged for the clearing staging record are deleted from the CI_​APAY_​STGUP_​EXC table.


To edit a clearing staging record:

  1. Search for the clearing record in the Automatic Payment and Refund Clearing Staging screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the clearing record whose associated clearing staging record you want to edit.
    The Associated Clearing Staging Records zone appears.
  3. In the Associated Clearing Staging Records zone, click the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon in the Edit column corresponding to the clearing staging record whose details you want to edit.

    The Edit Clearing Staging Record screen appears. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Clearing Staging ID Displays the clearing staging ID. Not applicable
    Clearing ID Indicates the clearing record against which the clearing staging record is added. Not applicable
    Status Indicates the status of the clearing staging record. The valid values are:
    • Pending

    • Complete

    • Error

    Not applicable
    Upload Date Used to specify the date when the clearing staging record was uploaded or added in the system. Yes

    In addition, this screen contains the following two sections:

    • Upload Reasons - Used to add, edit, or remove the reason code (i.e. upload reason) and error (sub reason) codes from the clearing staging record. It contains the following fields in a grid:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Upload Reason Used to specify the upload reason. It indicates whether the auto clearing house has accepted or rejected the clearing record. Yes
      Reason Type Used to indicate the type of upload reason. The valid values are:
      • Cancel

      • Success

      Sub Reason Code Used to specify either of the following:
      • Payment cancelation reason or void status reason (for automatic refund) when the reason type is set to Cancel

      • Notice to Change (NOC) reason when the reason type is set to Success

      Sub Reason Description Used to specify the description of the NOC reason. No
      Note: The upload reason, payment cancelation reason, void status reason, and NOC reasons must be already defined in the system. If you specify an invalid reason and sub reason codes, the status of the clearing staging record is changed to Error when you execute the Freeze or Cancel Automatic Payments (APAYRA) or Cancel Automatic Refunds (AREFRA) batch.
    • Characteristics - Used to define the characteristics for the clearing staging record.

  4. Modify the required details in the Edit Clearing Staging Record screen.
    Note: If you want to add more than one reason or sub reason code, click the Add (The Add Icon) icon in the Upload Reasons section and then specify the required details. However, if you want to remove a reason or sub reason code, click the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the reason.
  5. Define characteristics for the clearing staging record, if required.
  6. Click Save.
    The changes made to the clearing staging record are saved.

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