Generating To Do Entries

If an exception occurs while executing the Freeze or Cancel Automatic Payments (APAYRA) batch, you can notify the user about such exception. The To Do Creation for Automatic Payment Exception Records (APAYUPTD) batch allows you to create a To Do using the APAYUPTD To Do type when an exception is logged for an automatic payment clearing staging record in the CI_​APAY_​STGUP_​EXC table. The system creates one To Do entry for all exceptions that have occurred for an automatic payment clearing staging record. For more information about these batches, see Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Batch Guide.

Note: At present, a To Do is not created when an exception is logged for an automatic refund clearing staging record in the CI_​APAY_​STGUP_​EXC table while executing the Cancel Automatic Refunds (AREFRA) batch.