Transaction Record Type

The Transaction Record Type screen allows you to define, edit, delete, and copy a transaction record type. While defining a transaction record type, you need to define a rule type. This rule type is invoked for transactions with the transaction source and record type combination. While defining a rule type, you can select the transaction detail fields that you want to use as input or output parameters in a rule.

Besides using the transaction detail fields, the system allows you to use fields which are not part of the standard transaction details. These fields are referred to as temporary fields and are defined similar to other fields, but are not associated with any ORMB tables. You need to associate temporary fields with the rule type while defining a transaction record type. Once associated, you can use the temporary field as input or output parameter while defining a rule using the rule type.

Note: At present, you can only associate a temporary field with a rule type, but cannot use the temporary field in a rule which is created using the rule type. The latter part of the functionality will be available in a future release of Oracle Revenue Management and Billing.

The Transaction Record Type screen consists of the following zones:

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Parent topic: Transaction Feed Management