CSV File Format for Bill Group Derivation and Pricing Parameters Upload Request

Before uploading a bill group derivation and pricing parameters file, you need to ensure that the CSV file contains the following values in the specified order separated by a comma:

Sr. No. Value Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
1 Source System Used to indicate the source system from where the claim and enrollment transactions are received.
Note: You must specify a source system which already exists in the extendable lookup which is specified in the Source System Extendable Lookup parameter of the C1-BLVLVALID algorithm.
2 Parameter 1 Used to specify the employee attribute based on which you want to derive the bill group.
Note: You must not specify the ampersand (&) character in the parameter 1.
3 Parameter 2 Used to specify the employee attribute based on which you want to derive the bill group.
Note: You must not specify the ampersand (&) character in the parameter 2.
4 Parameter 3 Used to specify the employee attribute based on which you want to derive the bill group.
Note: You must not specify the ampersand (&) character in the parameter 3.
5 Parameter 4 Used to specify the employee attribute based on which you want to derive the bill group.
Note: You must not specify the ampersand (&) character in the parameter 4.
6 Effective Date Used to specify the date from when the derivation and pricing parameters are effective for the bill group and sort ID combination.
Note: The effective date must be within the date range of the sort ID defined for the bill group.
7 Bill Group ID Used to indicate the bill group (i.e. person) for whom you want to define the derivation and pricing parameters.
Note: You must specify an effective child person of the parent customer for whom you are creating the bill group derivation and pricing parameters upload request. In addition, note that you must specify a child person whose person type is set to Bill Group and who is related to the parent customer using a relationship type which is specified in the Person Relationship Type option type of the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the bill group (i.e. person) identifier type and bill group (i.e. person) identifier are not specified.
8 Bill Group Identifier Type Used to specify the bill group (i.e. person) identifier type. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the bill group (i.e. person) ID is not specified.
9 Bill Group Identifier Used to specify identifier of the bill group (i.e. person) for whom you want to define the derivation and pricing parameters. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the bill group (i.e. person) ID is not specified.
10 Sort ID Used to indicate the sort ID of the bill group for which you want to define the derivation and pricing parameters. Yes

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