Upload Request Type

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing allows you to define an upload request type using which you can upload a file. An upload request of the specified upload request type is created on uploading the file. It is the upload request type which helps the system to understand how to process the file. If you upload a file which exceeds the maximum file size, the system will not allow you to upload the file.

The Adjustment Upload Request Type (C1-AdjRequestType) business object is used for the maintainance of upload request types for uploading CSV data. Configurations like upload file size, approval workflow can be configured using this object. If you are going to upload adjustment data files using an upload request type, you need to specify the match types (using which the adjustments must be created) in the upload request type. At present, the following two match types are shipped with the product:
  • Contract

  • Contract Type

You can also define custom match types, if required. You must use the ADJ_​MATCH_​TYPE lookup field to add a new match type. You need to attach an algorithm to each match type to determine the contract against which the adjustment must be created. At present, the following algorithm types and sample algorithms are shipped with the product:
Match Type Algorithm Type Sample Algorithm Algorithm Description
Contract C1-MTCIALG C1-MTCIALG This algorithm fetches contract ID for each adjustment record where the match type is set to Contract (CONT).
Contract Type C1-MTCTALG C1-MTCTALG This algorithm fetches contract ID based on the contract type and account ID for each adjustment record where the match type is set to Contract Type (CNTY). If there are multiple active contracts of the specified contract type on the account, the contract ID with the latest start date will be fetched.

The Upload Request Type (C1-UplRequestType) business object will be used for the maintainance of upload request types for uploading CSV data. Configurations like upload file size, approval workflow can be configured using this object. The system enables you to upload data for the following using the Upload Request feature:

  • Billable Charge (Adhoc and Regular)

  • Hold Request

  • Refund Request

  • Write Off Request

  • Policy Reinstatement

  • Bill Group Sort ID

  • Derivation and Pricing Parameters for a Bill Group and Sort ID Combination

It also enables you to update the following information:

  • Contract rider of a contract

  • Bill cycle of an account

It is the upload request type which helps the system to determine:

  • Whether the file must be approved by the approver before creating or updating the entities

  • Which business object must be used for creating the upload request

  • Which business object must be used for creating or updating entities through an upload request

  • Which foreign key reference must be used for generating information string for the entity

  • A set of fields using which you can search records uploaded through an upload request

You can also define custom algorithm types and algorithms, if required. The Upload Request Type screen allows you to define, edit, copy, and delete an upload request type. This screen consists of the following zones:

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How to delete an upload request type Deleting an Upload Request Type
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Parent topic: Upload Request