Mapping an Upload Request Type


To map an upload request type, you should have:

  • Upload request type (whose columns you want to map with the CSV file) defined in the application

  • Upload request business objects defined in the application

Note: Once an upload request type is used for creating an upload request, then mapping for the same cannot be edited. Duplicating the upload request type will not duplicate the mapping data. You have to add the mapping details manually after duplicating an upload request type.


To map an upload request type:

  1. Click the Admin link in the Application toolbar.
    A list appears.
  2. From the Admin menu, select U and then click Upload Request Type.
    A sub-menu appears.
  3. In the Upload Request Type List zone, click the Mapping(The View Icon) icon in the Mapping column corresponding to the upload request type whose columns you want to map with the CSV file.

    The Upload Request Type Mapping screen appears. It contains the following field:

    Note: The Mapping icon is applicable only for upload request type created using Upload Request Type (C1-UplRequestType) business object, and it is not applicable for upload request type created using Adjustment Upload Request Type (C1-AdjRequestType) business object.
    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Upload Request Type Indicates the upload request type. Not applicable

    The Upload Request Type Mapping screen also contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    CSV Column Header Used to specify the rows correspond to the columns in CSV file. Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This column is required when you search the Data Records zone in the Upload Request screen.
    Use for Searching Used to indicate whether the defined CSV Column Header is searchable or not.
    Note: Upto 10 rows can be selected as searchable rows.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This column is required to be selected to be shown in the Data Records zone in the Upload Request screen
    Sequence Number Used to specify the sequence of the searchable fields.
    Note: Searchable rows should have sequence less than or equal to 10.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This column is required to be selected to be shown sequentially in the Data Records zone in the Upload Request screen
  4. Enter the required details.
    Note: If you want to add more than one column names mapped to the upload request type, click the Add (The Add Icon) icon and then specify the details. However, if you want to remove a column name mapped to the upload request type, click the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the column header.
  5. Click Save.
    The columns are mapped to the CSV files for upload request type.

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