CSV File Format for Bill Group Sorting Upload Request

Before uploading a bill group sorting file, you need to ensure that the CSV file contains the following values in the specified order separated by a comma:

Sr. No. Value Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
1 Bill Group ID Used to indicate the bill group (i.e. person) for whom you want to define the sort ID.
Note: You must specify an effective child person of the parent customer for whom you are creating the bill group sorting upload request. In addition, note that you must specify a child person whose person type is set to Bill Group and who is related to the parent customer using a relationship type which is specified in the Person Relationship Type option type of the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the bill group (i.e. person) identifier type and bill group (i.e. person) identifier are not specified.
2 Bill Group Identifier Type Used to specify the bill group (i.e. person) identifier type. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the bill group (i.e. person) ID is not specified.
3 Bill Group Identifier Used to specify identifier of the bill group (i.e. person) for whom you want to define the sort ID. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the bill group (i.e. person) ID is not specified.
4 Sort ID Used to specify the sort ID. Yes
5 Description Used to specify the description for the sort ID. Yes
6 Start Date Used to specify the date from when the sort ID is effective for the bill group.
Note: The start date cannot be later than the end date.
7 End Date Used to specify the date till when the sort ID is effective for the bill group.
Note: The end date cannot be earlier than the start date.

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