C1-CreateHoldRequest Business Service

The Create Hold Request (C1-CreateHoldRequest) business service enables you to create a hold request for a single entity (i.e. for a particular account, bill, or person). You can call this business service from an external system through an inbound web service. If you want to send the hold request creation request in the XML and/or JSON format, you need to ensure that you create a REST based inbound web service in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing. However, if you want to send the hold request creation request in the XML format, you can create a SOAP or REST based inbound web service in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing.

While sending the request for hold request creation, you need to specify the following details:

  • Hold request type, hold request start date, and hold request end date or hold days (which is used to calculate hold request end date if not specified)

  • Entity (i.e. ACCT, BILL, or PERS) for which you want to create the hold request

  • Hold reason and comments

  • Entity identifiers when the entity is an account or a person, and the entity ID when the entity is a bill.

  • Hold entity and hold process end dates

  • Business processes (i.e. ATPY, BILL, FNDG, OVDU, REFD) which you want to hold for the entity

  • Characteristics of the hold request

Points to Note:

  • You must specify an active hold request type where the approval process is not configured for activation and release.

  • If you do not specify the hold request type, the system, by default, considers the hold request type specified in the Default Hold Request Type for IWS option type of the C1-HOLDSRCH feature configuration.

  • This business service does not allow you to create past dated or future dated hold request. Therefore, you must always set the hold request start date to the system date.

  • Even if you explicitly specify a value for the defer processing count in the hold request type, it is no longer considered by this business service while creating a hold request.

  • The upstream system may provide the hold request type to override the default hold request type, mentioned in the hold request inbound web service.

  • If the hold request is in DRAFT status, this business service continues to operate in the background until the status of the hold request is set to ACTIVE.

On creating a hold request, the status of the hold request is set to ACTIVE. Once the hold request is created through the service, the hold request ID is sent in the response along with its status. The system enables you to track the hold request creation response sent to the external system using the Inbound Web Service History feature. For more information, see Inbound Web Service History

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Sample Hold Request Creation Request and Response in the XML Format Sample Hold Request Creation Request and Response in the XML Format
Sample Hold Request Creation Request and Response in the JSON Format Sample Hold Request Creation Request and Response in the JSON Format

Parent Topic: Hold Request Creation, Modification, Release, and View Through Inbound Web Service