Editing the Auto Pay Line Item Details in an Auto Pay Request


To edit an auto pay line item in an auto pay request, you should have:

  • Bills added in the auto pay request


To edit an auto pay line item from an auto pay request:

  1. Search for the auto pay request in the Search Auto Pay Request zone of the Auto Pay Request screen.
    A list of auto pay requests that meet the search criteria appears in the Search Results section.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Auto Pay Request Information column corresponding to the auto pay request whose auto pay line items you want to delete.
    The Auto Pay Request screen appears.
  3. Ensure that the Auto Pay Details zone in the Main tab of Auto Pay Request screen is expanded.
    A list of auto pay line appears in the Auto Pay Details zone.
  4. Select the Check box corresponding to the auto pay line item which you want to edit.
  5. Click the Edit button in the Auto Pay Delete zone, to edit the auto pay line item from an auto pay request.

    On clicking Edit button, the Edit Auto Pay Request Details screen appears. It contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Auto Pay ID Displays the auto pay ID. Not applicable
    Account Number Displays the account number. Not applicable
    Account ID Displays the account ID. Not applicable
    Bill ID Displays the bill ID. Not applicable
    Auto Pay Amount Displays the amount of the automatic payment. Not applicable
    Schedule Extract Date Used to specify date when you want to schedule the auto pay request for the auto pay line item. Yes
    Eligible For Extraction Used to indicate whether the auto pay amount is debited from the account on a specified and scheduled extract date. The valid values are:
    • Yes

    • No

  6. Enter the required details in theEdit Auto Pay Request Details screen.
  7. Click Save.
    The auto pay line item is modified.

    At east one auto pay record is required for deleting the auto pay request.

    The Edit button appears only when the auto pay request is in the Draft status.

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