Pend Rules

Pend rules can pend a policy for manual review. When a policy is pended, the user needs to manually decide to accept the pend reasons i.e. to resolve them after modifying or without modifying the policy. The pend rule describes the circumstances in which a policy pends. The pend reason describes why the policy has pended. Each pend rule must specify a pend reason that will be attached to the policy should that rule trigger.

Pend rule configuration consists of three different types of fields: to identify the rule, to describe the circumstances under which a policy pends and to drive what happens when the policy actually pends.

Field Description


The identifying code of the pend rule


The description of the pend rule


The source of the policy: Integration Point, User Interface or Either


If specified, one of the messages on the policy should match the message

Message Group

If specified, one of the messages on the policy should match one of the messages in the group


If specified, this brand should match the brand of the policy


The dynamic logic condition that is executed to determine if the policy must be pended

Pend Reason

The pend reason that is attached to the policy (see below)


Is the pend rule enabled?

Pend Reasons

As specified above, each pend rule must specify a pend reason that will be attached to the policy (describing why the policy has pended) should that rule trigger.

Field Description


The identifying code of the pend reason


The description of the pend reason


Should the pend reason be reattached? (if unchecked, this reason will not be reattached, i.e., will not cause the policy to pend if the policy pend history shows that the same pend reason has been resolved in the past)