16 Frequently Asked Questions

In this topic:

General Order Broker questions
Why can’t I work with systems, event logging, preferences, proximity uploads, or user profiles?

Your user roles control this access. See the Role Wizard for more information.

How do I know which version of Order Broker is installed?

Select Systems > About Order Broker... to display the About Order Broker window.

Why did my Order Broker session time out? How can I get back in?

The UI Timeout setting at the Tenant screen specifies how many minutes to wait before timing out an inactive user session.

Once a session times out, you need to close the browser window and start a new session in a different window.

Multiple sessions using same credentials? If you have multiple active sessions, in different tabs of the browser, for products using the same authentication credentials, logging out of one session automatically logs you out of any additional active session. For example, if you have both an Order Broker session and a Store Connect session, and you log out of the Store Connect session, this automatically logs you out of the Order Broker session as well. If you attempt to log back into one of the sessions in this situation, you might encounter a message: You are already logged in. If this occurs, you can either return to the original URL for product, or you can close the browser and log back into one or both sessions.

Why did Order Broker return an error: Inbound Message failed validation?

Order Broker returns this error to a web service message if authentication is required for the web service and the request message was not sent with a valid authentication. See the Web Service Authorization screen for background.

Why are my search results not correct?

Unless otherwise indicated, codes and names in Order Broker, Store Connect, and Supplier Direct Fulfillment are case-sensitive (A is not the same as a). When searching for a specific record on a screen, you must enter the case correctly; for example, if you are searching for reason code CAN, you must enter C, CA, or CAN in the code field, and not c, ca, or can.

Will trailing blank spaces in an inbound message cause an error?

Order Broker trims any trailing blank spaces from the fields in inbound messages, so trailing blank spaces do not cause an error.

Why can’t I generate reports?

All servers must have the same required fonts installed.

How can I open the XLSX version of a generated report?

If the XLSX version of the report does not open automatically in your browser, save the report file and then open it in with your spreadsheet application.

Why are report files sent as email attachments named Untitled.dat?

If your email server blocks the PDF or XLSX files as suspicious attachments, the files could be renamed as Untitled.dat. You can save the file and assign it the correct extension (PDF or XLSX), or you can request that your system administrator add the Order Broker server to an allow list so that the attachments are no longer blocked.

Why don’t scheduled imports, exports, and reports run at the scheduled times?

Time differences: The times displayed on screens, and used for scheduled events such as imports, exports, and report generation, are based on the retailer’s time as specified at the Tenant or Tenant - Admin screen. The retailer’s time may be different from your local time (the user’s time). For example, if the retailer’s time zone is two hours later than your local time zone, then an import scheduled at 8:00 runs at 10:00 in your local time. See Time Zones for a discussion.

Resolving scheduling issues: The Reschedule All option at the View Active Schedules screen stops and restarts the schedules for all jobs and periodic programs in the case of an interruption. Also, you use this option to start running all scheduled jobs and programs when first configuring Order Broker, or after applying an upgrade.

Note that the Reschedule All option does not restart jobs that are in Paused status (Illustrates the paused icon.). Jobs stay in Paused status only briefly before Order Broker restarts them automatically.

Where can I find information on import and export file layouts and mapping?

See Importing Locations through File Storage API, Importing Products and System Products through File Storage API, Importing Product Locations through File Storage API, and Importing UPC Barcodes through File Storage API for import details, file layouts, and data mapping.

See the System screen for information on the probable quantity export, incremental inventory import, and fulfilled inventory export.

Is personally identifiable information logged?

All personally identifiable information for customers, vendors, or locations is removed from logs. Personally identifiable information includes names, address, email addresses, phone numbers, customer numbers, and tender accounts.

The personally identifiable information is replaced in the log entry with the text *** Removed by Logger ***. For example, the email address might appear in the log as <email>*** Removed by Logger ***</email>.

Where are date, time, and numeric formats defined?

The date, time, and numeric formats displayed on Order Broker screens are defined at the User Profile Configuration screen.

The date, time, and numeric formats in system-generated emails are defined for the organization (see the Edit Organization screen).

Where are language settings defined?

The language settings include:

  1. screens: the URL used for Order Broker
  2. system-generated emails: the Language specified for the organization (see the Edit Organization screen) or at the Event Logging screen
Why can’t a user log in after the account was re-activated?

You can deactivate a user account manually, but an account can also be deactivated if there has been a series of unsuccessful login attempts equal to the number specified in the Lock Out field at the Tenant-Admin screen. If you change the user account back to Active status, the account remains deactivated until the Lockout Duration specified in the User Lockout options in WebLogic has passed.

How are product import error files cleared?

Product import error and part files are cleared by the Daily Clean Up job; see Schedule Jobs for more information.

How to resolve data cut off on screens or unnecessary scrollbars?

Depending on the browser you are using, the font size in your browser, the zoom level in your browser, and the Display settings for your computer, the last months in the volume tables at the Tenant (retailer information) screen may be cut off, or unnecessary scrollbars may be displayed on certain screens or windows.

Some things to try:

  • Make sure your computer’s Display setting is at 125% or less, and zoom out (-) if needed in the browser.
  • Decrease the font size in the browser.
  • If you prefer to leave the computer’s Display setting at the default, try another browser; for example, the last month may be cut off in Firefox, but displayed correctly in Chrome.
Why is the online help slow to load, or why is the online help search slow?

It may be necessary to clear your browser's cache or recent history in order to correct an online help performance issue.

Why are screens displaying asterisks rather than personal information?

Data can be anonymized through the Completed Order Private Data Purge job, or through a web service request. Once the data is anonymized, it is replaced with asterisks, and cannot be recovered. The types of personal data that can be anonymized are:

  • Customer names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers (both sold-to and ship-to) on both sales orders and purchase orders
  • vendor names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers
  • Order Broker user names and email addresses
  • Vendor user names and email addresses
  • Store Connect associate names and email addresses
  • Brand contact names and email addresses

See Anonymizing Data for background.

Why aren’t screens displaying the organization hierarchy correctly?

Screens that display the organization hierarchy, such as the Probability Location, Probable Quantity Location, or Preferences screens, can’t display this hierarchy until a default shipping system is defined for the default admin user. See Assign the default shipping system to the default user for more information.

Why do I advance to a blank screen after logging out, rather than a login screen?

This issue can occur when the URL for Order Broker includes http rather than https. The URL should always use https.

Why does a user advance to the Unauthorized Access screen when attempting to log into Order Broker?

This situation can occur if the user is configured in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management) for another application, such as Order Management System, but does not have access to Order Broker, and they attempt to log into Order Broker.

After the user completes entry of their IDCS or OCI IAM credentials, Unauthorized Access screen opens. The options at this screen are:

  • Retry: The user can select this option to advance to Order Broker only if a system administrator has granted access while the Unauthorized Access screen is open.
  • Cancel: Exit the screen.
Why does a user advance to the Unauthorized Access screen when attempting to log into the Vendor Portal?

This situation can occur if the user is configured in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management) for another application, such as Order Broker, but does not have access to the Vendor Portal.

After the user completes entry of their IDCS or OCI IAM credentials, Unauthorized Access screen opens. The options at this screen are:

  • Retry: The user can select this option to advance to the Vendor Portal only if a system administrator has granted access while the Unauthorized Access screen is open.
  • Logout of SSO: Exit the screen and log out of any open applications that use the same SSO account.
Why does a user see a message indicating that they do not have any stores assigned when attempting to log into Store Connect?

This situation can occur if:

  • The user has access to Store Connect, but has not been provided with authority to any store locations through the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen, or;

  • The user is configured in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management) for another application, such as Order Broker, but does not have access to Store Connect.

What is the Inactivity Timeout screen?

You advance to the Inactivity Timeout screen if your Order Broker session has been inactive for the number of minutes specified as the UI Timeout at the Tenant-Admin screen. This screen provides an option to log back into Order Broker by re-entering your credentials.

Vendor Portal timeout: A vendor user advances to the Inactivity Timeout screen if the Vendor Portal session has been inactive for the number of minutes specified as the Portal UI Timeout at the Drop Ship Preferences screen. This screen provides an option for the vendor user to log back into the Vendor Portal by re-entering credentials.

Is it OK to log out of Order Broker by closing the browser tab?

You should always log out of Order Broker by selecting the X on the upper right of the screen, and out of Order Broker Modern View by selecting Logout under your user name. If you simply close the browser tab, you may not be able to log back into Order Broker without closing the browser session and restarting a new session. Similarly, a vendor user should always log out of the Vendor Portal by selecting the X on the upper right.

Note that if you select Login after logging out from Modern View, you return to the Classic View home screen.

Is it OK to have Order Broker open in one tab and another Oracle Retail application open in another tab if you use the same IDCS or OCI IAM credentials for both applications?

Use care when you have Order Broker and another Oracle Retail application, including the Vendor Portal, open in different tabs of the same browser session if you use the same IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management) credentials for both. Logging out or timing out of a session for one application may affect your login status in the other application. To prevent possible issues, open each Oracle Retail application in a separate browser session rather than in different tabs of the same session.

What are the supported languages?

To specify a different language, append the code from this list to the end of the Order Broker URL:

  • zh_CN—Chinese (simplified)

  • nl_NL—Dutch

  • fr_FR—French

  • de_DE—German

  • it_IT—Italian

  • ja_JP—Japanese

  • pt_BR—Portuguese (Brazilian)

  • ru_RU—Russian

  • es_ES—Spanish

  • sv_SE—Swedish

Switching between Classic View and Modern View: If you advance from Classic View to Modern View, the currently selected language applies in the current session. If you are in Modern View and select a different language by changing the code at the end of the URL, the newly selected language applies when you return to Classic View in your current session.

To switch to a different language after logging out, you need to either clear your browser cache or append the new language code to the end of the URL.

Merchandise Locator and Routing Engine questions
Why are no products displayed at the Products screen?

When you initially install Order Broker, there are no products in its database. You need to perform the steps described in Setting Up Data for the Routing Engine Module and then continue importing products or items from your default system.

Another possibility is that the cached information in the browser needs to be refreshed. To prevent this issue from occurring, if you use Internet Explorer:

  1. Select Tools > Internet Options.
  2. In the Internet Options window, select the Advanced tab.
  3. Scroll down to the Security options and select Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed.
  4. Click OK to apply the change.
How can I tell when the availability information for a product location was last updated?

This information is displayed at the Browse Product Locations window. Availability information can by updated by:

  1. the import process
  2. responses to inventory inquiries sent by Order Broker, if the location is in an online system
  3. entry at the New Product Location screen or the Edit Product Location screen
  4. the incremental inventory update (see the Incremental Inv Update tab of the System screen)
Why are there no product locations for a product?

Confirm that the location was created in Order Broker, as described in Setting Up Data for the Routing Engine Module.

How can I display the probability rule assignments for a location, location type, or organization?

See the Probability Location screen.

Probable quantity rules: You use the Probable Quantity Location screen rather than this screen to assign probable quantity rules, which update the probable quantity that a system, such as your ecommerce site, can use to estimate an item’s availability. For more information, see:

Why can’t I display the New Location screen?

You need to first set the Use Proximity Locator preference at the Preferences screen. See Setting Up Data for the Routing Engine Module for an overview.

Why isn’t an Item # displayed at the Order screen?

If your user ID is not assigned a Default Shipping System at the User Profile Configuration screen, the Item # might not be displayed at the Details tab on the Order screen.

Why did a rejected order stay in rejected status?

This can occur if the Default Unfulfillable Location is not associated with the default system for your organization, because Order Broker cannot reshop the order unless there is a system product record for the system associated with the Default Unfulfillable Location.

Why was an entire order assigned to the Default Unfulfillable Location when it could have been partially fulfilled?

The Routing Engine does not initially create an order or line as partially unfulfillable. If there is no location that can fulfill the entire requested quantity of an order or line, or is flagged as Backorder Available, the entire order is assigned to the Default Unfulfillable Location.

How can I determine why an individual location was filtered as a sourcing location for an order?

Use the Trace Shopping Log screen to review the reasons why the Routing Engine eliminated each possible location from sourcing the order.

  • The Routing Engine traces shopping logic only if the Trace Shopping Logic field is set to Detailed at the Event Logging screen. Typically, you would select to trace shopping logic only to research why certain locations are or aren’t selected to fulfill orders.
  • These history records are retained only for the number of Trace Log History days specified at the Tenant-Admin screen; after that number of days, the daily cleanup job automatically deletes the records.
Supplier Direct Fulfillment and Store Connect questions
Why can’t I create a vendor?

You cannot create a vendor for an organization until you create the default vendor system. See the default vendor system for background.

What is the DS Vendor location type?

The DS Vendor location type is required for you to create vendors for your organization. Order Broker automatically creates the DS Vendor location type for an organization when you create the default vendor system. You should not delete the DS Vendor location type.

How to resend invoices to the order management system?

If the order management system did not receive and create the invoices, you can resend one or more invoices by setting the posted_date in the vendor_invoice table to NULL. Order Broker then includes these invoices in the GetDSInvoicesResponse message the next time it receives the request from the order management system.

Why does the Vendor Portal link in an email to the vendor open the Vendor Portal in a different language?

The VPA Url specified at the Drop Ship Preferences screen defines the link to the Vendor Portal to embed in emails to vendors, while the locale appended to the Vendor Portal URL controls the language displayed on Vendor Portal screens. Because each vendor’s locale is not automatically appended to the Vendor Portal link embedded in the email, clicking the link may bring the vendor to the Vendor Portal with a different language displayed.

For example, if the VPA Url specified includes a French locale, but an individual vendor uses an English locale, when the vendor clicks the Vendor Portal email in an email, the Vendor Portal opens with French displayed on screens.

Which currency symbols are supported in emails?

ISO 4217 Code Symbol Name Countries




Canada, Mexico, USA



Euro Zone



Pound Sterling

United Kingdom







North Korea, South Korea


New Shekel




India, Bhutan

















If one of the above currency codes was not specified when the order was created, no currency symbol is included in the email notification.