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Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 648 Topic Set

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Preparing the Site

Installing the Switch


Administering the Switch

Diagnosing a Problem

Remote Management

Understanding ILOM on the Switch

Installing the ILOM Firmware

Administering ILOM (CLI)

Administering ILOM (Web Interface)

Administering ILOM (SNMP)

Administering Hardware (IPMI)

Understanding ILOM Commands


Servicing the Switch


Command Reference

Understanding Switch-Specific Commands

activate Command (switch-specific)

checkfans Command

checklinks Command

checkpowers Command

checkpwrfault Command

checkswitches Command

checkvoltages Command

clearboardstat Command

deactivate Command (switch-specific)

disableboard Command

disablepsu Command

disablestby Command

disableswitchport Command

enableboard Command

enablehotinsert Command

enablepsu Command

enablestby Command

enableswitchport Command

env_test Command

findport Command

getbaseguid Command

getboardstat Command

getfwversion Command

getportcounters Command

getportstatus Command

getpsufwver Command

getserialnumbers Command

getsymerr Command

i2ctest Command

m9diag Command

mcmversion Command

psustatus Command

resetswitch Command

selectdebugport Command

setlinkspeed Command

showlogs Command

showpresent Command

showtemps Command

showvoltages Command

Understanding CLIA Commands

activate Command (CLIA)

deactivate Command (CLIA)

exit Command (CLIA)

fru Command

frucontrol Command

fruinfo Command

getfruledstate Command

getipmbstate Command

getlanconfig Command

LAN Configuration Parameters

help Command (CLIA)

ipmc Command

localaddress Command

poll Command

quit Command

sel Command

sensordata Command

session Command

setextracted Command

setfruledstate Command

setipmbstate Command

setlanconfig Command

setlocked Command

shelf Command

shelfaddress Command

shmstatus Command

showunhealthy Command

switchover Command

terminate Command

user [-v] Command

user add Command

user channel Command

user delete Command

user enable Command

user name Command

user passwd Command

version Command (CLIA)

Understanding InfiniBand Software Commands

ib_read_bw Command

ib_read_lat Command

ib_send_bw Command

ib_send_lat Command

ib_write_bw Command

ib_write_lat Command

ibaddr Command

ibcheckerrors Command

ibchecknet Command

ibchecknode Command

ibcheckport Command

ibcheckportstate Command

ibcheckportwidth Command

ibcheckstate Command

ibcheckwidth Command

ibclearcounters Command

ibclearerrors Command

ibdatacounters Command

ibdatacounts Command

ibdiagnet Command

ibdiagpath Command

ibhosts Command

ibnetdiscover Command

ibnodes Command

ibping Command

ibportstate Command

ibroute Command

ibrouters Command

ibstat Command

ibstatus Command

ibswitches Command

ibsysstat Command

ibtracert Command

ibv_devices Command

ibv_devinfo Command

ibv_rc_pingpong Command

ibv_srq_pingpong Command

ibv_uc_pingpong Command

ibv_ud_pingpong Command

ofed_info Command

opensm Command

opensmd Daemon

osmtest Command

perfquery Command

saquery Command

sminfo Command

smpdump Command

smpquery Command

vendstat Command


opensm Command

Runs the InfiniBand Subnet Manager and Subnet Administrator. Issued on the Linux InfiniBand host.


opensm [-F filename][-c filename][-g guid][-l lmc][-p priority][-smkey SMKey][-r][-R engine][-A][-z][-M filename][-U filename][-S filename][-a path][-u path][-X path][-m path][-o][-s interval][-t timeout][-maxsmps number][-console[off|local|socket|loopback]][-console-port port] [-i filename][-f path][-L size][-e][-P filename][-N][-Q[-Y filename]] [-y][-B][-I][-v][-V][-D flags][-dopt][-h]



This InfiniBand software command initiates an instance of the OpenSM Subnet Manager and Subnet Administrator, which is required to initialize the InfiniBand hardware. OpenSM can be started in a default configuration with the opensm command. Options to the opensm command can configure the operation of the Subnet Manager to better fit the needs of your InfiniBand fabric.

OpenSM uses several files for operation and configuration. The default directory is /etc/opensm. The following table lists the files and their description.

File Name
Default OpenSM configuration file.
Default node name map file.
Default partition configuration file.
Default Quality of Service policy configuration file.
Default prefix routes file.

The following table describes the options to the opensm command and their purposes:

Uses the OpenSM configuration filename. The file /etc/opensm/opensm.conf is used by default.
Creates the OpenSM configuration file and exit.
Binds OpenSM to the local port of guid value. If no value for guid is provided, OpenSM will display available GUIDs, and wait for user input.
Specifies the InfiniBand fabric’s LMC value. The value of lmc must be within the range of 0 to 7. lmc values greater than 0 permit multiple paths between ports and are used only if the topology has multiple paths between ports. The number of LIDs assigned to each port is 2lmc. By default, lmc is 0, so there is only one path between any two ports.
Sets the priority of the Subnet Manager instance. The master Subnet Manager and handover conditions are based upon the priority and GUID of the Subnet Managers.
Specifies the Subnet Manager’s 64-bit encryption key.
Reassigns LIDs to all end nodes. By default, OpenSM attempts to preserve existing LID assignments while resolving multiple use of the same LID.

Note - Use of the -r option might disrupt fabric traffic.

Selects the routing algorithm to use. Multiple algorithms can be specified in the order of use upon failure. The list is comma delimited. Algorithms supported are:
  • minhop – Min Hop. This default algorithm routes through the minimum number of hops with an optimized path.

  • updn – Up Down. Like minhop, but constrained with ranking rules. This algorithm is used if the fabric is not a pure fat-tree, where a deadlock might occur, due to a loop in the fabric.

  • ftree – Fat-Tree. This algorithm optimizes routing for a congestion-free shift communication pattern. The algorithm is for symmetrical or almost symmetrical fat-tree fabrics. Fat-tree routing is also constrained to ranking rules.

  • lash – LASH. This algorithm uses InfiniBand virtual layers to provide deadlock-free shortest-path routing while distributing the path between the layers. An advantage of the LASH algorithm is that it avoids use of a potentially congested root node.

  • dor – DOR. Based upon the Min Hop algorithm, but avoids port equalization except for redundant links between the same two switches. The algorithm provides deadlock-free routes for hypercubes and meshes, when the fabric is cabled as a hypercube or mesh.

Enables the unicast routing cache, which prevents routing recalculations in the event that there was no topology change detected during a sweep or if recalculation is not really necessary. For example, when a host is rebooted.
Forces the routing engine to make connectivity between root switches for InfiniBand architecture compliance. Use of the -z option might permit the occurrence of a deadlock.
Specifies the name of the LID matrix dump file from where the Min Hop tables are loaded.
Specifies the name of the LFT file from where switch forwarding tables are loaded.
Specifies the name of the Subnet Administrator DB dump file from where the Subnet Administrator database is loaded.
Sets the root nodes for the Up Down or Fat-Tree algorithm to the GUIDs in the provided file. One per line.
Sets the compute nodes for the Fat-Tree algorithm to the GUIDs in the provided file. One GUID per line.
Sets the order port GUIDs are routed for the Min Hop and Up Down algorithms to the GUIDs in the provided file. One per line.
Sets a mapping of the IDs to the node GUIDs used by the Up Down algorithm in the provided file. File format is one GUID and ID per line.
OpenSM configures the fabric once and exits. Port remains Active.
Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, between fabric sweeps. Default is 10 seconds. An interval of 0 disables sweeps.
Overrides the default timeout.
Specifies the maximum number of outstanding VL15 SMP management datagrams at any one time. Default is 4. A number of 0 permits unlimited SMP management datagrams.
Sets the state of the OpenSM console. States are the following:
  • off – This is the default.

  • local

  • socket

  • loopback

Note - The socket and loopback states are only available if OpenSM was built with the --enable-console-socket option.

Specifies an alternative Telnet port for the socket state.
Defines a set of node GUID and port pairs to be ignored by the link load equalization algorithm. Pairs are provided in the filename.
Instructs OpenSM where to send the log file. Default is /var/log/opensm.log. To direct the log to standard output, set path to stdout.
Sets the maximum size of the log file in MB. The log file is truncated when reaching this limit, so the newest entries are lost.
Deletes the log file.
Defines the optional partition configuration filename. Default is /etc/opensm/partitions.conf.
Disables partition enforcement on switch external ports.
Enables Quality of Service setup.
Specifies the optional Quality of Service policy filename. Default is /etc/opensm/qos-policy.conf. The policy file contains a list of configuration parameters. The parameters have the following format: qostypeparameter.

Where type is one of the following:

  • nothing – The parameter affects the entire fabric.

  • _ca – The parameters are set for the channel adapters.

  • _rtr – The parameters are set for the routers.

  • _swn – The paramters are set for switch port n.

  • _swe – The parameters are set for switch external ports.

Where parameter is one of the following:

  • _max_vls value – The maximum number of virtual lanes in the fabric.

  • _high_limit value – The limit of the High Priority component of the virtual lane arbitration table (IBA 7.6.9).

  • _vlarb_low data – The low priority virtual lane arbitration table template. data is 15 pairs of virtual lane and weight (x:y), separated by commas.

  • _vlarb_high data – The high priority virtual lane arbitration table template. data is 15 pairs of virtual lane and weight (x:y), separated by commas.

  • _sl2vl data – The SL2VL mapping table (IBA 7.6.6) template. data is a comma delimited sequence of virtual lanes corresponding to service levels 0 through 15.

Prevents OpenSM from exiting upon fatal initialization issues. For example, duplicate GUIDS or 12x links with poorly configured lane reversal.
Runs OpenSM in the background as a daemon.
Starts OpenSM in an inactive state.
Increases the log verbosity.
Sets log verbosity to maximum. The same as -D 0xFF.
Sets the log verbosity according to the following bit flags:
  • 0x01ERROR (error messages)

  • 0x02INFO (basic messages, low volume)

  • 0x04VERBOSE (moderate volume)

  • 0x08DEBUG (diagnostic, high volume)

  • 0x10FUNCS (function entry and exit, very high volume)

  • 0x20FRAMES (dumps all SMP and GMP frames)

  • 0x40ROUTING (dumps FDB routing information)

The default is ERROR + INFO, or 0x03. The option -D 0 turns off all log messaging.

Note - High verbosity levels might require increasing the transaction timeout with the -t timeout option.

Specifies debug and an option to the debug. The value of -dopt is as follows:
  • -d0 – Ignores other Subnet Manager nodes.

  • -d1 – Forces single threaded dispatching.

  • -d2 – Forces log flushing after each log message.

  • -d3 – Disables multicast support

Displays usage information.

The following example shows how to initiate the Subnet Manager using the Fat-Tree routing algorithm with the opensm command.

# opensm -R ftree -A -a /etc/opensm/guid.txt -s 120 

Note - The guid.txt file is a listing of fabric card root node GUIDs used by the Fat-Tree algorithm. See the Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 648 Installation Guide for more information.

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