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Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 648 Topic Set

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Preparing the Site

Installing the Switch


Administering the Switch

Diagnosing a Problem

Remote Management

Understanding ILOM on the Switch

Installing the ILOM Firmware

Administering ILOM (CLI)

Administering ILOM (Web Interface)

Administering ILOM (SNMP)

Administering Hardware (IPMI)

Understanding ILOM Commands


Servicing the Switch


Command Reference

Understanding Switch-Specific Commands

activate Command (switch-specific)

checkfans Command

checklinks Command

checkpowers Command

checkpwrfault Command

checkswitches Command

checkvoltages Command

clearboardstat Command

deactivate Command (switch-specific)

disableboard Command

disablepsu Command

disablestby Command

disableswitchport Command

enableboard Command

enablehotinsert Command

enablepsu Command

enablestby Command

enableswitchport Command

env_test Command

findport Command

getbaseguid Command

getboardstat Command

getfwversion Command

getportcounters Command

getportstatus Command

getpsufwver Command

getserialnumbers Command

getsymerr Command

i2ctest Command

m9diag Command

mcmversion Command

psustatus Command

resetswitch Command

selectdebugport Command

setlinkspeed Command

showlogs Command

showpresent Command

showtemps Command

showvoltages Command

Understanding CLIA Commands

activate Command (CLIA)

deactivate Command (CLIA)

exit Command (CLIA)

fru Command

frucontrol Command

fruinfo Command

getfruledstate Command

getipmbstate Command

getlanconfig Command

LAN Configuration Parameters

help Command (CLIA)

ipmc Command

localaddress Command

poll Command

quit Command

sel Command

sensordata Command

session Command

setextracted Command

setfruledstate Command

setipmbstate Command

setlanconfig Command

setlocked Command

shelf Command

shelfaddress Command

shmstatus Command

showunhealthy Command

switchover Command

terminate Command

user [-v] Command

user add Command

user channel Command

user delete Command

user enable Command

user name Command

user passwd Command

version Command (CLIA)

Understanding InfiniBand Software Commands

ib_read_bw Command

ib_read_lat Command

ib_send_bw Command

ib_send_lat Command

ib_write_bw Command

ib_write_lat Command

ibaddr Command

ibcheckerrors Command

ibchecknet Command

ibchecknode Command

ibcheckport Command

ibcheckportstate Command

ibcheckportwidth Command

ibcheckstate Command

ibcheckwidth Command

ibclearcounters Command

ibclearerrors Command

ibdatacounters Command

ibdatacounts Command

ibdiagnet Command

ibdiagpath Command

ibhosts Command

ibnetdiscover Command

ibnodes Command

ibping Command

ibportstate Command

ibroute Command

ibrouters Command

ibstat Command

ibstatus Command

ibswitches Command

ibsysstat Command

ibtracert Command

ibv_devices Command

ibv_devinfo Command

ibv_rc_pingpong Command

ibv_srq_pingpong Command

ibv_uc_pingpong Command

ibv_ud_pingpong Command

ofed_info Command

opensm Command

opensmd Daemon

osmtest Command

perfquery Command

saquery Command

sminfo Command

smpdump Command

smpquery Command

vendstat Command


ib_send_bw Command

Performs a read bandwidth diagnostic. Issued on the Linux InfiniBand host.


ib_send_bw [-p TCP_port][-d device][-i IB_port][-c RC|UC|UD][-m mtu] [-s size][-a][-t tdepth][g][-r rdepth][-n iters][-I size][-b][-V][-e] [-N][-F][IP_address]



This InfiniBand software command performs a bandwidth diagnostic between two nodes in the InfiniBand fabric. The command is dependent upon the Internet Protocol, so the InfiniBand fabric must be configured with Internet Protocol over InfiniBand (IPoIB). The command is a client-server, in that a remote node is configured as a server, while a local node performs as a client.

The command is first run locally on the server. The command is then run again locally on the client, pointing to the IP address of the server. The diagnostic checks the bandwidth of the data transfer from the server to the client. The connection uses the Reliable Datagram transport. Optionally, you can set the connection between the nodes to use Reliable Connection, Unreliable Connection, or Unreliable Datagram transport.

Note - This command only functions if your InfiniBand fabric is configured with IPoIB.


The following table describes the options to the ib_send_bw command and their purposes:

Uses the TCP port for initial synchronization.
Uses the InfiniBand device.
Uses the InfiniBand port.
Sets the connection type.
Sets the size of the MTU.
Sets the size of the message to exchange.
Runs all sizes, from 2 to 223.
Sets the size of the TX queue.
Sends messages to the multicast group for the UD connection.
Sets the RX queue larger than the TX queue.
Performs iters message exchanges.
Sets the maximum message size to be sent in inline mode.
Measures bidirectional bandwidth.
Displays the version information.
Sleeps on CQ events.
Cancels the peak bandwidth calculation.
Does not fail, even if the cpufreq_ondemand module is loaded.

The following example shows how to run a diagnostic between a local node client and a remote node server with the ib_send_bw command. First configure the remote node server:

# ib_send_bw 
                         Send BW Test
Connection type : RC
Inline data is used up to 400 bytes message
     local address:  LID 0x01, QPN 0x9b0406, PSN 0x49c0fe
     remote address: LID 0x05, QPN 0x240406, PSN 0xaf88e
Mtu : 1024

Note - The output is not displayed until the local node client issues the respective command.

Then run the command on the local node client:

# ib_send_bw
                         Send BW Test
Connection type : RC
Inline data is used up to 400 bytes message
     local address:  LID 0x05, QPN 0x240406, PSN 0xaf88e
     remote address: LID 0x01, QPN 0x9b0406, PSN 0x49c0fe
Mtu : 1024
 #bytes #iterations    BW peak[MB/sec]    BW average[MB/sec] 
     65536        1000             785.57                785.57
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