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Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 648 Topic Set

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Preparing the Site

Installing the Switch


Administering the Switch

Diagnosing a Problem

Remote Management

Understanding ILOM on the Switch

Installing the ILOM Firmware

Administering ILOM (CLI)

Administering ILOM (Web Interface)

Administering ILOM (SNMP)

Administering Hardware (IPMI)

Understanding ILOM Commands


Servicing the Switch


Command Reference

Understanding Switch-Specific Commands

activate Command (switch-specific)

checkfans Command

checklinks Command

checkpowers Command

checkpwrfault Command

checkswitches Command

checkvoltages Command

clearboardstat Command

deactivate Command (switch-specific)

disableboard Command

disablepsu Command

disablestby Command

disableswitchport Command

enableboard Command

enablehotinsert Command

enablepsu Command

enablestby Command

enableswitchport Command

env_test Command

findport Command

getbaseguid Command

getboardstat Command

getfwversion Command

getportcounters Command

getportstatus Command

getpsufwver Command

getserialnumbers Command

getsymerr Command

i2ctest Command

m9diag Command

mcmversion Command

psustatus Command

resetswitch Command

selectdebugport Command

setlinkspeed Command

showlogs Command

showpresent Command

showtemps Command

showvoltages Command

Understanding CLIA Commands

activate Command (CLIA)

deactivate Command (CLIA)

exit Command (CLIA)

fru Command

frucontrol Command

fruinfo Command

getfruledstate Command

getipmbstate Command

getlanconfig Command

LAN Configuration Parameters

help Command (CLIA)

ipmc Command

localaddress Command

poll Command

quit Command

sel Command

sensordata Command

session Command

setextracted Command

setfruledstate Command

setipmbstate Command

setlanconfig Command

setlocked Command

shelf Command

shelfaddress Command

shmstatus Command

showunhealthy Command

switchover Command

terminate Command

user [-v] Command

user add Command

user channel Command

user delete Command

user enable Command

user name Command

user passwd Command

version Command (CLIA)

Understanding InfiniBand Software Commands

ib_read_bw Command

ib_read_lat Command

ib_send_bw Command

ib_send_lat Command

ib_write_bw Command

ib_write_lat Command

ibaddr Command

ibcheckerrors Command

ibchecknet Command

ibchecknode Command

ibcheckport Command

ibcheckportstate Command

ibcheckportwidth Command

ibcheckstate Command

ibcheckwidth Command

ibclearcounters Command

ibclearerrors Command

ibdatacounters Command

ibdatacounts Command

ibdiagnet Command

ibdiagpath Command

ibhosts Command

ibnetdiscover Command

ibnodes Command

ibping Command

ibportstate Command

ibroute Command

ibrouters Command

ibstat Command

ibstatus Command

ibswitches Command

ibsysstat Command

ibtracert Command

ibv_devices Command

ibv_devinfo Command

ibv_rc_pingpong Command

ibv_srq_pingpong Command

ibv_uc_pingpong Command

ibv_ud_pingpong Command

ofed_info Command

opensm Command

opensmd Daemon

osmtest Command

perfquery Command

saquery Command

sminfo Command

smpdump Command

smpquery Command

vendstat Command


ibdiagnet Command

Performs InfiniBand fabric diagnostic. Issued on the Linux InfiniBand host.


ibdiagnet [-c count][-v][-r][-o outputdir][-t topology][-s system][-i device][-p port][-wt topology][-pm][-pc][-P PM = value][-lw 1x|4x|12x][-ls 2.5|5|10][-skip checks][-load_db file][-h][-V]



This InfiniBand software command scans the InfiniBand fabric using directed route packets, extracting all the available information regarding the connectivity and devices. This command produces a set of files in the output directory. By default, the output directory is /tmp. The following table describes the files.

File Name
Dump of all the application reports generated according to the provided flags.
List of all the nodes, ports, and links in the fabric.
Dump of the unicast forwarding tables of the fabric switches.
Dump of the multicast forwarding tables of the fabric switches.
In case of duplicate port/node GUIDs, these file include the map between masked GUIDs and real GUIDs.
List of all the Subnet Manager (state and priority) in the fabric.
Dump of the Performance Manager counters values, for the fabric links.
Dump of the existing partitions and their member host ports.
Dump of the multicast groups, their properties, and member host ports.
Dump of the internal subnet database. This file can be loaded in later runs using the -load_db option.

During the discovery phase, the command also checks for duplicate node/port GUIDs in the InfiniBand fabric. If such an error is detected, it is displayed on the standard output.

After the discovery phase is completed, directed route packets are sent multiple times to detect possible problematic paths on which packets might be lost. A report of suspected bad links is displayed on the standard output.

If requested with the -r option, a full report of fabric qualities is displayed, including:

Note - If the InfiniBand fabric includes only one CA, then CA-to-CA paths are not reported. Additionally, if a topology file is provided, the ibdiagnet command uses the names defined in the topology file for the output reports.


The following table describes the options to the ibdiagnet command and their purposes:

Sets the minimum number of packets sent across each link.
Provides verbose output.
Provides a report of fabric qualities.
Specifies the topology file name.
Specifies the local system name.
In the case of multiple devices on the local system, this option specifies the index of the device of the port used to connect to the InfiniBand fabric.
Specifies the local device port number used to connect to the InfiniBand fabric.
Specifies the output directory.
Specifies the expected link width.
Specifies the expected link speed.
Dumps all the fabric link Performance Manager counters into ibdiagnet.pm.
Resets all the fabric link Performance Manager counters.
Use the Performance Manager counter of PM set to the threshold of value.
Skips the executions of the selected checks. One or more checks can be specified.
Writes out the discovered topology into the given file.
Loads subnet data from the given .db file and skips the subnet discovery stage.

Note - Some checks require actual subnet discovery, and are disabled if load_db is specified. Those checks are duplicate/zero GUIDs, link state, and Subnet Manager status.

Provides help.
Displays the version information.

The following example shows how to test the InfiniBand fabric with the ibdiagnet command. The command checks for 4x link width and 10 Gbyte/sec speed and dumps the performance manager counters and then clears them.

# ibdiagnet -lw 4x -ls 10 -pm -pc
Loading IBDIAGNET from: /usr/lib64/ibdiagnet1.2
-W- Topology file is not specified.
     Reports regarding cluster links will use direct routes.
Loading IBDM from: /usr/lib64/ibdm1.2
-I- Using port 2 as the local port.
-I- Discovering ... 55 nodes (54 Switches & 1 CA-s) discovered.
-I- Bad Guids/LIDs Info
-I- No bad Guids were found
-I- Links With Logical State = INIT
-I- No bad Links (with logical state = INIT) were found
-I- PM Counters Info
-I- No illegal PM counters values were found
-I- Links With links width != 4x (as set by -lw option)
-I- No unmatched Links (with width != 4x) were found
-I- Links With links speed != 10 (as set by -ls option)
-I- No unmatched Links (with speed != 10) were found
-I- Fabric Partitions Report (see ibdiagnet.pkey for a full hosts list)
-I-    PKey:0x7fff Hosts:1 full:1 partial:0
-I- IPoIB Subnets Check
-I- Subnet: IPv4 PKey:0x7fff QKey:0x00000b1b MTU:2048Byte rate:10Gbps SL:0x00
-W- Suboptimal rate for group. Lowest member rate:40Gbps > group-rate:10Gbps
-I- Bad Links Info
-I- No bad link were found
-I- Stages Status Report:
     STAGE                                    Errors Warnings
     Bad GUIDs/LIDs Check                     0      0
     Link State Active Check                  0      0
     Performance Counters Report              0      0
     Specific Link Width Check                0      0
     Specific Link Speed Check                0      0
     Partitions Check                         0      0
     IPoIB Subnets Check                      0      1
Please see /tmp/ibdiagnet.log for complete log
-I- Done. Run time was 42 seconds.
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