To create an alternate shipping address, a registered member clicks on the add new address link to go to new_shipping_address.jsp, where a form collects the address fields and the nickname for the new address. The form’s input tags are associated with the editValue property of the B2CProfileFormHandler; the Add Address button invokes the handleNewAddress() handler as demonstrated in the following example.

Note: The “. . .” markers in the following code sample indicate a place where code has been removed to clarify the sample.

<dsp:form action="address_book.jsp" method="POST">

    . . .
    Give this address a nickname for your address book:<br>
    <dsp:input bean="B2CProfileFormHandler.editValue.nickname" maxlength="40"
               size="20" type="text"/>

    <!-- Store the ProfileID in ownerId field of the new address.
         This tells us this address "belongs to" (and can be
         edited) by the user. -->
    <dsp:input bean="B2CProfileFormHandler.editValue.ownerId"
         beanvalue="" type="hidden"/>

    <dsp:input bean="B2CProfileFormHandler.editValue.firstName"
         maxlength="100" size="15" type="text" required="<%=true%>"/>
    <dsp:input bean="B2CProfileFormHandler.editValue.middleName"
         maxlength="100" size="10" type="text"/>
    <dsp:input bean="B2CProfileFormHandler.editValue.lastName"
         maxlength="100" size="15" type="text"
   Street address <br>
    <dsp:input bean="B2CProfileFormHandler.editValue.address1"
         maxlength="30" size="40" type="text"
    <dsp:input bean="B2CProfileFormHandler.editValue.address2"
         maxlength="30" size="40" type="text"/><br>
    <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
     <dsp:input bean=""
           maxlength="30" size="20" type="text"
      <dsp:select bean="B2CProfileFormHandler.editValue.state">
          <%@ include file="StatePicker.jspf" %>
    <td>Postal Code<br>
      <dsp:input bean="B2CProfileFormHandler.editValue.postalCode"
         maxlength="10" size="10" type="text"
    <dsp:select bean=""
      <%@ include file="CountryPicker.jspf" %>
<tr valign=top>
  <!-- 6. Submit: -->
    <table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
      <tr><td class=box-top-profile>&nbsp;Done?</td></tr>
    <!-- Submit form to handleUpdate() handler -->
    <dsp:input bean="B2CProfileFormHandler.newAddress" type="submit"
         value="   Add Address -->   "/>
  . . .

The handleNewAddress() handler creates a new address in the secondaryAddresses map, indexed with the provided nickname, and sets its properties based on the entries in the editValue map property:

MutableRepository repository = (MutableRepository) profile.getRepository();
   Map secondaryAddresses = (Map)

         // What address fields are we looking for
         String[] addressProperties = getAddressProperties();

         // Get editValue map, containing the user form data
         HashMap newAddress = (HashMap) getEditValue();
         String nickname = (String) newAddress.get("nickname");

     // If we successfully collected all needed user input, create a new address
         try {
           // Create a repository item to be filled with stuff.
           MutableRepositoryItem address = repository.createItem("contactInfo");

           // Copy values from the newAddress object
           Object property;
           for (int i = 0; i < addressProperties.length; i++) {
             property = newAddress.get(addressProperties[i]);
             if (property != null)
               address.setPropertyValue(addressProperties[i], property);

           // Update adress into the db and insert into secondaryAddresses map
           secondaryAddresses.put(nickname, address);
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