Claiming coupons is done via the /atg/commerce/promotions/CouponFormHandler component. This component needs several properties set on a Java Server Page:

After the user has typed in a coupon claim code, the FormHandler attempts to claim it and add it to the user’s list of promotions. Here is the JSP that can be used to claim a coupon.

<dsp:form action="<%=form40%>" method="post">

  <% /* Where to go to on success or failure */%>

  <dsp:input bean="CouponFormHandler.claimCouponSuccessURL"
       beanvalue="/OriginatingRequest.requestURI" type="hidden"/>
  <dsp:input bean="CouponFormHandler.claimCouponErrorURL"
       beanvalue="/OriginatingRequest.requestURI" type="hidden"/>

  <%/* Get the coupon claim code */%>
  Coupon code: <dsp:input bean="CouponFormHandler.couponClaimCode" type="text"/>

  <dsp:input bean="CouponFormHandler.claimCoupon" type="submit" value="Claim it"/>
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