This page allows the member to send e-mail to the Pioneer Cycling customer service group.

The e-mail is generated by the /atg/dynamo/service/EmailFormHandler component, which allows a page designer to collect user form input, and to create and send an e-mail message. The EmailFormHandler, an instance of the class, normally collects the following fields: sender, recipient, subject, and body.

It provides a handler, handleSendEmail(), which calls the protected method SendMail() to perform the e-mail creation and sending steps. SendMail() was intended to be overridden by a derived class. In the Pioneer Store, we redefined the EmailFormHandler component to be an instance of the atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CEmailFormHandler class. This class defines the additional properties, customerServiceEmailAddress and profile. It overrides SendMail() to set the sender property to the firstNameMiddleNamelastName<emailAddress> (extracted from the site visitor’s profile) and to set the recipient to the customerServiceEmailAddress property. (By default, this property is

Note: e-mail is not actually sent unless the atg/dynamo/service/SMTPEmail component is configured with an SMTP service. By default, it is not. To configure Pioneer Cycling to send e-mail, see the Setting up e-mail section in the Introduction chapter of this guide.

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