
The user profile has a property called currentLocation that may be used by complex targeting systems to enable the targeter to know what kind of targeting information is available. It is an enumerated property type whose choices are unknown, home, store_home, shopping_cart, catalog_category, catalog_product, catalog_search, checkout, and profile. Because this is a category page, we set the property like this:

<dsp:setvalue bean="/atg/userprofiling/Profile.currentLocation"
HTML Header and Title

The HeadBody.jsp fragment is invoked on every page in the site to render the HTML header and the opening <BODY> tag. This is a good example of separating fragments that are used on every page into reusable droplets. This fragment takes a pagetitle parameter and uses it as the HTML <TITLE>. In passing this parameter to HeadBody.jsp we used the single quotation mark ( ' ) syntax to evaluate '"Pioneer Cycling - " +request.getParameter("element.displayName")' as a Java statement. When '"Pioneer Cycling - " +request.getParameter("element.displayName")' is compiled, executed, and rendered on the browser, the user sees “Pioneer Cycling – Accessories.”

CategoryLookup Component

We used the CategoryLookup component to get a Category object for a particular category ID. The id parameter required by CategoryLookup is passed to this page as a URL parameter, so it doesn’t have to be passed again here. The user’s locale is passed as the repositoryKey parameter so that the category is generated in the proper language. (See the section on Adding Support for Multi Locales for more information). In response to these parameters, CategoryLookup binds the element parameter to the Category repository item that it found. The element parameter is in scope between the <dsp:oparam name="output"> and </dsp:oparam> tags.

CategoryBrowsed Droplet

We used the CategoryBrowsed component to generate an ItemViewed message for this category. The message can have any number of listeners. The listener for the ItemViewed event is a ATG Consumer Commerce scenario that logs the message to a data set that can later produce reports on the categories viewed, how often they were viewed, and by which users. Pioneer Cycling has an additional listener that is a scenario that records the category in the user’s categoriesViewed property.

Product display pages use the ProductBrowsed component, which is analogous to CategoryBrowsed.

Navigation History

We used breadcrumbs.jsp to collect and display navigation history information. It is also invoked by product pages. For more information, please refer to the section on Adding Catalog Navigation.

Displaying Child Products and Categories

Repository items of type Category have the properties childProducts and childCategories. These properties describe the hierarchical relationships between categories and between categories and products. DisplayChildrenGeneric.jsp is invoked to display the products and categories in the hierarchy contained by the current category. It displays an array of repository items in a table. The parameter is supplied to specify the number of columns in the table and the array to display.

Displaying Promotions

We used DisplayMediaSlot.jsp to display promotions. A “slot” is an ATG Relationship Management Platform term for a generic place to hold objects. Slots can be populated in many ways but the most common way is by using a scenario. DisplayMediaSlot.jsp can display any number of objects from the slot. In this page, it is invoked with the numToDisplay parameter set to “1”.


We used SimpleSearchFragment.jsp to display the Search form on each catalog page. There are two kinds of searching in Pioneer Cycling: simple search and advanced search. The formAction parameter indicates which search method to use.

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