Each time you add a new tracking sensor (or use one of the pre-defined Session sensors), you need to specify how you want the tracking results to modify visitor profile information. The ATG Control Center guides you through this process by helping you create simple action statements that update specific visitor properties.

To create an action statement:

  1. Click on the tracking sensor in the Tracking Sensors panel.

  2. Select a tracking event in the When a Visitor panel. The event you choose represents the first part of your action statement. For example,

    When a visitor:
       views this type of content

    As shown below, several drop-down lists appear below the Perform These Actions panel, allowing you to construct the rest of your action statement.

  3. Select one of the following actions from the drop-down list:

    The next part of your action statement appears in the Perform These Actions panel. For example:

    When a visitor:
       views this type of content
    Perform these actions:

  4. Select a tracking property from the drop-down list (or select Enter a Value to type your own value). For example, if you were to select a property called Aggressive Index, the following text would appear in the Perform These Actions panel:

    When a visitor:
       views this type of content
    Perform these actions:
       Add the value of Aggressive Index...

    Note: The properties that appear in this list vary depending on the kind of tracking sensor you are working with. Content Item sensors use properties that are specific to all items within a particular content repository. Similarly, Content Type sensors use properties that are shared by all repository items of a particular type. Session and Page tracking sensors have pre-defined properties for you to choose from when you are creating action statements. For more information, see the Tracking Sensor Properties section.

  5. Select a profile property from the drop-down list. Note: The properties that appear in this list vary depending on the tracking sensor property you selected in the previous step. Only those properties of matching type are displayed.

    For example, if you were to select a profile property called Aggressive Index, the following text would appear in the Perform These Actions panel:

    When a visitor:
       views this type of content
    Perform these actions:
       Add the value of Aggressive Index to the person's Aggressive
          Index attribute

  6. If you want to add other lines to the action statement, click the New Action button and repeat steps 3-5.

  7. Click Save. (If you select another sensor from the Tracking Sensors panel or switch to another task window before saving your changes, the ATG Control Center saves them automatically.)

Important: After you add new tracking sensors, you must copy your changes from the staging server to your live site. For more information, see Copying and Switching Databases in the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide.