Managing Network File Systems in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

Selecting Different Versions of NFS

If you want to use a version of NFS other than NFS Version 4, you can select a different version:

How to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Server

You can select another version of NFS if you choose not to use NFS Version 4, which is set by default.

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  2. Change SMF parameters to set the NFS Version numbers.

    For example, if you want the server to provide only NFS Version 3, set the values for both the server_versmax and server_versmin parameters to 3.

    # sharectl set -p server_versmax=3 nfs
    # sharectl set -p server_versmin=3 nfs
  3. If you want to disable server delegation, change the server_delegation property.
    # sharectl set -p server_delegation=off nfs

    NFS server delegation enables an NFS client to cache files until another NFS client needs access to the same files. In NFS Version 4, server delegation is enabled by default. For more information, see Delegation in NFS Version 4.

  4. If you want to set a common domain for clients and servers, change the nfsmapid_domain property.

    You can set a common domain for the clients and servers to enable user ID or group ID mapping between the client and the server.

    # sharectl set -p nfs

    where provides the common domain name.

    For more information about the nfsmapid daemon, see NFS Daemons.

  5. Check whether the NFS service is running on the server.
    # svcs network/nfs/server
  6. If necessary, enable the NFS service.

    If the NFS service is offline, type the following command to enable the service:

    # svcadm enable network/nfs/server

    For information about configuring the NFS service, see How to Set Up Automatic File System Sharing.

See also

Version Negotiation in NFS

How to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Client

The following procedure explains how to control which version of NFS is used on the client. The NFS version that is set by default is NFS Version 4.

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  2. Change SMF parameters to set the NFS Version numbers.

    For example, if you want all file systems to be mounted using the NFS Version 3 protocol, set the values for both the client_versmax and client_versmin parameters to 3.

    # sharectl set -p client_versmax=3 nfs
    # sharectl set -p client_versmin=3 nfs
  3. Mount NFS on the client.
    # mount server-name:/share-point /local-dir

    Name of the server.


    Path of the remote directory


    Path of the local mount point

See also

Version Negotiation in NFS

How to Use the mount Command to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Client

This procedure explains how to use the mount command to control which version of NFS is used on a client for a particular mount. To find out how to modify the NFS version for all file systems mounted by the client, see How to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Client.

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  2. Mount the desired version of NFS on the client.
    # mount -o vers=value server-name:/share-point /local-dir

    NFS version number


    Name of the server


    Path of the remote directory


    Path of the local mount point

    Note -  This command overrides the client settings in the SMF repository.

See also

Version Negotiation in NFS