Managing Network File Systems in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014


/net mount pointindex iconMount Point /net
/nfs4 mount point
index iconMount Point /nfs4
index iconMaster Autofs Map
accessing sharedindex iconHow to Set Up Different Architectures to Access a Shared Namespace
autofs andindex iconAutofs Features
naming services
autofs map maintenance methodsindex iconAdministrative Tasks Involving Maps
navigating using maps
overviewindex iconHow Autofs Navigates Through the Network (Maps)
starting the process
index iconHow Autofs Starts the Navigation Process (Master Map)
index iconMount Point /home
file transfer sizeindex iconFile Transfer Size Negotiation
WebNFS securityindex iconSecurity Negotiation for the WebNFS Service
netconfig file
descriptionindex iconNFS Files
Network Lock Managerindex iconNetwork Lock Manager and NFS
commandsindex iconNFS Commands
daemonsindex iconNFS Daemons
version negotiationindex iconVersion Negotiation in NFS
index iconACLs and nfsmapid in NFS Version 4
index iconNFS ACL Support
error message, Permission deniedindex iconNFS Error Messages
NFS administration
administrator responsibilities
index iconAdministering Autofs
index iconAdministering Network File Systems
NFS can't support nolargefiles messageindex iconNFS Error Messages
NFS clients
incompatible operating system supportindex iconHow to Support Incompatible Client Operating System Versions
NFS servicesindex iconNFS Servers and Clients
NFS environment
Secure NFS systemindex iconSecure NFS Systems
NFS locking
client-side failover andindex iconFailover and NFS Locking
NFS referrals
index iconHow to Create a FedFS Referral
index iconHow to Create and Access an NFS Referral
overviewindex iconHow NFS Referrals Work
removingindex iconHow to Remove an NFS Referral
NFS server logging
enablingindex iconHow to Enable NFS Server Logging
overviewindex iconNFS Server Logging
NFS servers
autofs selection of filesindex iconServer Proximity
daemons required for remote mountingindex iconStrategies for NFS Troubleshooting
identifying currentindex iconIdentifying the Host Providing the NFS Service
index iconAdministering Autofs
index iconAdministering Network File Systems
replicating shared filesindex iconHow to Replicate Shared Files Across Several Servers
clearing problemsindex iconHow to Check Connectivity on an NFS Client
remote mounting problems
index iconNFS Error Messages
index iconNFS Troubleshooting Procedures
weighting in mapsindex iconAutofs and Weighting
NFS services
restartingindex iconHow to Restart NFS Service
selecting different versions on client by
changing the SMF propertiesindex iconHow to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Client
using the mount commandindex iconHow to Use the mount Command to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Client
selecting different versions on serverindex iconHow to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Server
task mapindex iconSetting Up the NFS Service
NFS troubleshooting
determining where NFS service has failedindex iconHow to Verify the NFS Service on the Server
hung programsindex iconNFS Error Messages
remote mounting problemsindex iconNFS Error Messages
server problemsindex iconHow to Check Connectivity on an NFS Client
strategiesindex iconStrategies for NFS Troubleshooting
autofs andindex iconHow to Use NFS URLs With Autofs
mount command exampleindex iconUsing the mount Command
mounting file systems withindex iconHow to Mount an NFS File System by Using an NFS URL
mounting withindex iconExtensions for NFS Mounting
syntaxindex iconAccessing an NFS URL by Using a Browser
WebNFS andindex iconPlanning for WebNFS Access
NFS V2 can't support largefiles messageindex iconNFS Error Messages
NFS Version 4
features inindex iconFeatures in NFS Version 4
nfs4cbd daemonindex iconnfs4cbd Daemon
nfscast: cannot receive reply messageindex iconMiscellaneous Error Messages
nfscast: cannot send packet messageindex iconMiscellaneous Error Messages
nfscast: select messageindex iconMiscellaneous Error Messages
nfsd daemonindex iconnfsd Daemon
checking response on serverindex iconHow to Check the NFS Server Remotely
mounting andindex iconHow File Systems Are Mounted in NFS Version 3
verifying if runningindex iconHow to Verify the NFS Service on the Server
nfslog.conf fileindex icon/etc/nfs/nfslog.conf File
nfslogd daemon
descriptionindex iconnfslogd Daemon
nfslogd fileindex icon/etc/default/nfslogd File
nfsmapid daemon
ACLs andindex iconACLs and nfsmapid in NFS Version 4
additional information aboutindex iconAdditional Information About nfsmapid
configuration files andindex iconConfiguration Files and the nfsmapid Daemon
configuring the NFSv4 default domainindex iconConfiguring the NFS Version 4 Default Domain
index iconnfsmapid Daemon
index iconNFS Version 4 Protocol
DNS TXT records andindex iconnfsmapid and DNS TXT Records
identifying NFSv4 domainindex iconChecking for the NFS Version 4 Domain
precedence rules andindex iconPrecedence Rules
nfsmapid_domain parameterindex iconnfsmapid Daemon
NFSMAPID_DOMAIN keywordindex iconID Mapping Problems
nfsref command
descriptionindex iconnfsref Command
exampleindex iconHow to Create a FedFS Referral
nfsstat command
index iconIdentifying the Host Providing the NFS Service
index iconnfsstat Command
NIS name service
updating autofs mapsindex iconAdministrative Tasks Involving Maps
no info messageindex iconMiscellaneous Error Messages
No such file or directory messageindex iconNFS Error Messages
nobrowse option
auto_master fileindex iconHow to Disable Autofs Browsability for All Clients
nobrowse parameter
settingindex iconHow to Completely Disable Autofs Browsability on a Single NFS Client
–nolargefiles option
error messageindex iconNFS Error Messages
mount commandindex iconmount Options for NFS File Systems
–nosuid option
share commandindex iconNFS-Specific share Options
Not a directory messageindex iconMiscellaneous Error Messages
Not found messageindex iconError Messages Generated by automount v
nsdb-list command
descriptionindex iconFedFS Commands
nsdb-nces command
descriptionindex iconFedFS Commands
nsdb-resolve-fsn command
descriptionindex iconFedFS Commands
nsdb-update-nci command
descriptionindex iconFedFS Commands
exampleindex iconHow to Create a Namespace Database
nsdbparams command
descriptionindex iconFedFS Commands
exampleindex iconHow to Use a Secured Connection to the NSDB
–nthreads option
lockd daemonindex iconlockd Daemon
number sign (#)
comments in direct mapsindex iconDirect Autofs Maps
comments in indirect mapsindex iconIndirect Autofs Maps
comments in master map (auto_master)index iconSample /etc/auto_master File