Managing Network File Systems in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

Mount an NFS File System by Using an NFS URL

You can choose to include the –public option with an NFS URL. Without the –public option, the MOUNT protocol is used if the public file handle is not supported by the server. The –public option forces the use of the public file handle, and the mount fails if the public file handle is not supported.

Note -  The NFS protocol version that is used when you mount the file system is the highest version supported by both the client and the server. However, you can use the –vers=# option to select a specific NFS protocol version.

How to Mount an NFS File System by Using an NFS URL

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  2. Manually mount the file system by using an NFS URL.
    # mount -F nfs nfs://host[:port]/pathname mount-point
Example 3-2  Mounting an NFS File System by Using an NFS URL
# mount -F nfs nfs://bee:3000/export/share/local /mnt

In this example, the /export/share/local file system is being mounted from the server bee by using NFS port number 3000. The port number is not required, and by default the standard NFS port number of 2049 is used.