Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide

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Updated: May 2015

Configuring PVLANs

This section includes tasks that describes how to create PVLANs and list information about PVLANs.

Creating a PVLAN

You can configure a PVLAN by setting the pvlan property value by using the ldm add-vnet or ldm set-vnet command. See the ldm(1M) man page.

    You can use the following commands to create or remove a PVLAN:

  • Use ldm add-vnet to create a PVLAN:

    ldm add-vnet pvid=port-VLAN-ID pvlan=secondary-vid,pvlan-type if-name vswitch-name domain-name

    The following command shows how to create a virtual network with a PVLAN that has a primary vlan-id of 4, a secondary vlan-id of 200, and a pvlan-type of isolated.

    primary# ldm add-vnet pvid=4 pvlan=200,isolated vnet1 primary-vsw0 ldg1
  • Use ldm set-vnet to create a PVLAN:

    ldm set-vnet pvid=port-VLAN-ID pvlan=secondary-vid,pvlan-type if-name domain-name

    The following command shows how to create a virtual network with a PVLAN that has a primary vlan-id of 3, a secondary vlan-id of 300, and a pvlan-type of community.

    primary# ldm add-vnet pvid=3 pvlan=300,community vnet1 primary-vsw0 ldg1
  • Use ldm set-vnet to remove a PVLAN:

    ldm set-vnet pvlan= if-name vswitch-name domain-name

    The following command removes the PVLAN configuration for the vnet0 virtual network. The result of this command is that the specified virtual network is a regular VLAN that uses the vlan-id that you specified when you configured the PVLAN.

    primary# ldm set-vnet pvlan= vnet0 primary-vsw0 ldg1

Viewing PVLAN Information

You can view information about a PVLAN by using several of the Logical Domains Manager listing subcommands. See the ldm(1M) man page.

    You can use the following commands to view PVLAN information.

  • Use ldm list-domain -o network to list PVLAN information:

    ldm list-domain [-e] [-l] -o network [-p] [domain-name...]

      The following examples show information about PVLAN configuration on the ldg1 domain by using the ldm list-domain -o network command.

    • The following ldm list-domain command shows information about the PVLAN configuration on the ldg1 domain.

      primary# ldm list-domain -o network ldg1
      NAME   SERVICE              ID DEVICE    MAC               
      vnet0  primary-vsw0@primary 0  network@0 00:14:4f:f8:03:ed        
             1    3               1500 1700
             PVLAN : 200,community
    • The following ldm list-domain command shows PVLAN configuration information in a parseable form for the ldg1 domain.

      primary# ldm list-domain -o network -p ldg1
      VERSION 1.13
  • Use ldm list-bindings to list PVLAN information:

    ldm list-bindings [-e] [-p] [domain-name...]

      The following examples show information about PVLAN configuration on the ldg1 domain by using the ldm list-bindingsnetwork command.

    • The following ldm list-bindings command shows information about the PVLAN configuration on the ldg1 domain.

      primary# ldm list-bindings
      NAME    SERVICE              ID DEVICE    MAC               
      vnet0   primary-vsw0@primary 0  network@0 00:14:4f:f8:03:ed        
             1    3     1500 1700  
             PVLAN :200,community
      PEER                 MAC               MODE  PVID VID  MTU  MAXBW LINKPROP
      primary-vsw0@primary 00:14:4f:f8:fe:5e 1
    • The following ldm list-bindings command shows PVLAN configuration information in a parseable form for the ldg1 domain.

      primary# ldm list-bindings -p
  • Use ldm list-constraints to list PVLAN information:

    ldm list-constraints [-x] [domain-name...]

    The following shows the output generated by running the ldm list-constraints command:

    primary# ldm list-constraints -x ldg1
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="vnet_name">vnet0</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">primary-vsw0</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="pvid">1</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="vid">3</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="pvlan">200,community</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="maxbw">1700000000</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="device">network@0</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="id">0</gprop:GenericProperty>