Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: May 2015

Upgrade Option Not Presented When Using ldmp2v prepare -R

The Oracle Solaris Installer does not present the Upgrade option when the partition tag of the slice that holds the root (/) file system is not set to root. This situation occurs if the tag is not explicitly set when labeling the guest's boot disk. You can use the format command to set the partition tag as follows:

0. c0d0 <SUN-DiskImage-10GB cyl 282 alt 2 hd 96 sec 768>
1. c4t2d0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
2. c4t3d0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
Specify disk (enter its number)[0]: 0
selecting c0d0
[disk formatted, no defect list found]
format> p

0      - change `0' partition
1      - change `1' partition
2      - change `2' partition
3      - change `3' partition
4      - change `4' partition
5      - change `5' partition
6      - change `6' partition
7      - change `7' partition
select - select a predefined table
modify - modify a predefined partition table
name   - name the current table
print  - display the current table
label  - write partition map and label to the disk
!<cmd> - execute <cmd>, then return

partition> 0
Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders       Size            Blocks
0 unassigned    wm       0              0         (0/0/0)          0

Enter partition id tag[unassigned]: root
Enter partition permission flags[wm]:
Enter new starting cyl[0]: 0
Enter partition size[0b, 0c, 0e, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]: 8g
partition> label
Ready to label disk, continue? y
