Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide

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Updated: May 2015

Introduction to Domain Migration

Domain migration enables you to migrate a guest domain from one host machine to another host machine. The machine on which the migration is initiated is the source machine. The machine to which the domain is migrated is the target machine.

While a migration operation is in progress, the domain to be migrated is transferred from the source machine to the migrated domain on the target machine.

The live migration feature provides performance improvements that enable an active domain to be migrated while it continues to run. In addition to live migration, you can migrate bound or inactive domains, which is called cold migration.

    You might use domain migration to perform tasks such as the following:

  • Balancing the load between machines

  • Performing hardware maintenance while a guest domain continues to run

To achieve the best migration performance, ensure that both the source machine and the target machine are running the latest version of the Logical Domains Manager.