Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide

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Updated: May 2015

Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC With the Service Processor

The section describes information related to using the Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) service processor (SP) with the Logical Domains Manager. For more information about using the ILOM software, see the documents for your specific platform at

An additional config option is available to the existing ILOM command:

-> set /HOST/bootmode config=config-name

This option enables you to set the configuration on the next power on to another configuration, including the factory-default shipping configuration.

You can invoke the command regardless of whether the host is powered on or off. It takes effect on the next host reset or power on.

To reset the logical domain configuration, you set the option to factory-default.

-> set /HOST/bootmode config=factory-default

You also can select other configurations that have been created with the Logical Domains Manager using the ldm add-config command and stored on the service processor (SP). The name you specify in the Logical Domains Manager ldm add-config command can be used to select that configuration with the ILOM bootmode command. For example, assume you stored the configuration with the name ldm-config1.

-> set /HOST/bootmode config=ldm-config1

Now, you must perform a power cycle of the system to load the new configuration.

See the ldm(1M) man page for more information about the ldm add-config command.