Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide

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Updated: May 2015

Memory Alignment

Memory reconfiguration requests have different alignment requirements that depend on the state of the domain to which the request is applied.

Memory Alignment for Active Domains

  • Dynamic addition and removal. The address and size of a memory block are 256-Mbyte-aligned for dynamic addition and dynamic removal. The minimum operation size is 256 Mbytes.

    A nonaligned request or a removal request that is larger than the bound size is rejected.

      Use the following commands to adjust memory allocations:

    • ldm add-memory. If you specify the –-auto-adj option with this command, the amount of memory to be added is 256-Mbyte-aligned, which might increase the amount of memory actually added to the domain.

    • ldm remove-memory. If you specify the –-auto-adj option with this command, the amount of memory to be removed is 256-Mbyte-aligned, which might decrease the amount of memory actually removed from the domain.

    • ldm set-memory. This command is treated as an addition or a removal operation. If you specify the –-auto-adj option, the amount of memory to be added or removed is 256-Mbyte-aligned as previously described. Note that this alignment might increase the resulting memory size of the domain.

  • Delayed reconfiguration. The address and size of a memory block are 4-Mbyte-aligned. If you make a nonaligned request, the request is rounded up to be 4-Mbyte-aligned.

Memory Alignment for Bound Domains

The address and size of a memory block are 4-Mbyte-aligned for bound domains. If you make a nonaligned request, the request is rounded up to be 4-Mbyte-aligned. Therefore, the resulting memory size of the domain might be more than you specified.

For the ldm add-memory, ldm set-memory, and ldm remove-memory commands, the –-auto-adj option rounds up the size of the resulting memory to be 256-Mbyte-aligned. Therefore, the resulting memory might be more than you specified.

Memory Alignment for Inactive Domains

For the ldm add-memory, ldm set-memory, and ldm remove-memory commands, the –-auto-adj option rounds up the size of the resulting memory to be 256-Mbyte-aligned. There is no alignment requirement for an inactive domain. The restrictions described in Memory Alignment for Bound Domains take effect after such a domain is bound.

Adding Unaligned Memory

The memory DR feature enforces 256-Mbyte memory alignment on the address and size of the memory that is dynamically added to or removed from an active domain. Therefore, any unaligned memory in an active domain cannot be removed by using memory DR.

Also, any unaligned memory in the free memory pool cannot be added to an active domain by using memory DR.

After all the aligned memory has been allocated, you can use the ldm add-memory command to add the remaining unaligned memory to a bound or inactive domain. You can also use this command to add the remaining unaligned memory to the control domain by means of a delayed reconfiguration operation.

The following example shows how to add the two remaining 128-Mbyte memory blocks to the primary and ldom1 domains. The ldom1 domain is in the bound state.

The following command initiates a delayed reconfiguration operation on the control domain.

primary# ldm start-reconf primary
Initiating a delayed reconfiguration operation on the primary domain.
All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the
primary domain reboots, at which time the new configuration for the
primary domain also takes effect.

The following command adds one of the 128-Mbyte memory blocks to the control domain.

primary# ldm add-memory 128M primary
Notice: The primary domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.
Any changes made to the primary domain will only take effect after it reboots.

primary# ldm list
primary          active     -ndcv-  SP      8     2688M    0.1%  23d 8h 8m

primary# ldm list
primary          active     -n-cv-  SP      8     2560M    0.5%  23d 8h 9m
ldom1            bound      ------  5000    1     524M

The following command adds the other 128-Mbyte memory block to the ldom1 domain.

primary# ldm add-mem 128M ldom1
primary# ldm list
primary          active     -n-cv-  SP      8     2560M    0.1%  23d 8h 9m
ldom1            bound      ------  5000    1     652M