Message Attribute Reference


Name attribute.lookup.list
Description User attributes can be retrieved from a variety of sources, including LDAP directories, databases, Oracle Entity Store, SAML attribute assertions, and so on. All retrieved attributes are stored in the attribute.lookup.list attribute, where they can be looked up at a later stage in the policy.
Type java.util.HashMap
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes

Retrieve Attributes from Database

Retrieve Attributes from Directory Server

Retrieve Attributes from SAML Attribute Assertion

Retrieve Attributes from SAML PDP

Retrieve Attributes from User Store

SiteMinder Authorization
Consumed By  
Required By Attribute Authorization

Insert SAML Attribute Assertion


Name attribute.subject.format
Description The format of the subject ID that is used to lookup attributes (for example, X.509 DName or username).
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes

Retrieve Attributes from Directory Server

Retrieve Attributes from SAML Attribute Assertion

SiteMinder Authorization
Consumed By  
Required By Insert SAML Attribute Assertion

Description The ID of the subject that is used to look up user attributes. This can either be an X.509 Distinguished Name (DName) or a username.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes

Retrieve Attributes from Directory Server

Retrieve Attributes from SAML Attribute Assertion

SiteMinder Authorization
Consumed By  
Required By Insert SAML Attribute Assertion


Name authentication.cert
Description The certificate that was used to authenticate the client.
Generated By HTTP Header Authentication
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name authentication.issuer.format
Description The format of the attribute.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By HTTP Header Authentication

SSL Authentication
Consumed By  
Required By

Description Contains the ID of the issuer of the authenticated client's certificate. This is usually either the X.509 DName or the username of the issuer of the subject's certificate.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By HTTP Header Authentication

SSL Authentication
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name authentication.issuer.orig.format
Description Format of the attribute. This is the format of the issuer's ID before any credential mapping was done to the identifier, e.g. DName to username.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By HTTP Header Authentication
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The ID of the issuer of the subject's credential before any credential mapping took place. An example of credential mapping would involve mapping an issuer's username to a DName.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By HTTP Header Authentication
Consumed By  
Required By  




Name authentication.subject.orig.format
Description The ID of the subject before any credential mapping was performed. For example, the subject's ID may be mapped from an X.509 DName to the username stored in an external database. In this case, the subject's original ID was a DName.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By HTTP Basic Authentication

HTTP Digest Authentication

HTTP Header Authentication
Consumed By  
Required By

Description Contains the ID of the authenticated subject before credential mapping is performed (for example, from username to DName).
Type java.lang.String
Generated By HTTP Basic Authentication

HTTP Digest Authentication

HTTP Header Authentication
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name authentication.subject.password
Description If a user authenticates to the API Gateway using a username and password combination (either with HTTP digest/basic authentication or with a WS-Security Username token), the user's password is stored in this attribute.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By HTTP Basic Authentication

HTTP Digest Authentication
Consumed By  
Required By

Description Contains a WS-Security <Header> block that has been extracted from a message.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract WSS Header
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.basic.constraints
Description If the subject is a Certificate Authority (CA), and the BasicConstraints extension exists, this attribute gives the maximum number of CA certificates that may follow this certificate in a certification path. A value of zero indicates that only an end-entity certificate may follow in the path. This contains the value of pathLenConstraint if the BasicConstraints extension is present in the certificate and the subject of the certificate is a CA, otherwise its value is -1. If the subject of the certificate is a CA and pathLenConstraint does not appear, there is no limit to the allowed length of the certification path.
Type java.lang.Integer
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.extended.key.usage
Description A string representing the OBJECT IDENTIFIERs of the ExtKeyUsageSyntax field of the extended key usage extension ( OID = ). It indicates a purpose for which the certified public key may be used, in addition to, or instead of, the basic purposes indicated in the key usage extension field.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.hash.md5
Description An MD5 hash of the certificate.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.hash.sha1
Description An SHA1 hash of the certificate.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description An alternative name for the certificate issuer from the IssuerAltName extension ( OID = )
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The Distinguished Name (DName) of the issuer of the certificate.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The c attribute of the issuer of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The cn attribute of the issuer of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The email or emailaddress attribute of the issuer of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The l attribute of the issuer of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The o attribute of the issuer of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The ou attribute of the issuer of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The st attribute of the issuer of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.key.usage.cRLSign
Description Set to true or false if the key can be used for crlSign .
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.key.usage.dataEncipherment
Description Set to true or false if the key can be used for dataEncipherment .
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.key.usage.decipherOnly
Description Set to true or false if the key can be used for decipherOnly .
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.key.usage.digitalSignature
Description Set to true or false if the key can be used for digital signature.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.key.usage.encipherOnly
Description Set to true or false if the key can be used for encipherOnly .
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.key.usage.keyAgreement
Description Set to true or false if the key can be used for keyAgreement .
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.key.usage.keyCertSign
Description Set to true or false if the key can be used for keyCertSign .
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.key.usage.keyEncipherment
Description Set to true or false if the key can be used for keyEncipherment .
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.key.usage.nonRepudiation
Description Set to true or false if the key can be used for non-repudiation.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.not.after
Description Not after date for the validity of the certificate.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.not.before
Description Not before date for the validity of the certificate.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.serial.number
Description Certificate serial number.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.signature.algorithm
Description The signature algorithm for the certificate signature.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description An alternative name for the subject from the SubjectAltName extension ( OID = ).
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The Distinguished Name (DName) of the subject of the certificate.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The c attribute of the subject of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The cn attribute of the subject of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The emailaddress attribute of the subject of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The l attribute of the subject of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The o attribute of the subject of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The ou attribute of the subject of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By

Description The st attribute of the subject of the certificate, if it exists.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name cert.version
Description The version of the certificate.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract Certificate Attributes
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name certificate
Description Used to store a certificate in addition to the certificate stored in the authentication.cert attribute. For example, the Find Certificate filter can extract a certificate from an LDAP directory, HTTP header, or the User Store. By default, it sets this certificate to the certificate attribute.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Find Certificate

HTTP Header Authentication

XML-Signature Verification

SAML PDP XML-Signature Response Verification

SAML PDP Response XML-Signature Verification

SSL Authentication
Consumed By  
Required By Create Thumbprint from Certificate

Extract Certificate Attributes

SiteMinder Certificate Authentication


Name certificate.thumbprint
Description Contains a human-readable thumbprint (or fingerprint), which is generated from the X.509 certificate stored in the certificate message attribute.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Create Thumbprint from Certificate

Consumed By  
Required By  



Name circuit.abort.exception
Description Whenever a filter throws an exception, the exception is stored in the circuit.abort.exception message attribute. The exception can then be used, for example, to return customized SOAP faults that describe the verbose details of the error.
[Important] Important

A filter only throws an exception if it cannot carry out its core task. For example, an authentication filter throws an exception if it cannot connect to the authentication repository, a Schema validation filter aborts if the request is not XML, and an attribute retrieval filter aborts if it cannot connect to the user profile store (for example, database, LDAP, and so on).

Type java.lang.String
Generated By circuit.abort.exception can be thrown by all filters.
Consumed By  
Required By circuit.abort.exception can be used as a selector in appropriate filters. For example, you can specify a ${circuit.abort.exception} selector in the Set Message filter, which can then be returned to the client using a Reflect filter.


Description Indicates the XML-Encrypted block(s) to decrypt. The actual decryption is performed by the XML-Decryption filter.
Type java.util.Map
Generated By XML-Decryption Settings
Consumed By  
Required By XML-Decryption

Description Allows the user to encrypt (part of) the message for a number of recipients so that only those recipients can to decrypt the encrypted data. The encryption is performed by the XML-Encryption filter.
Type java.util.Map
Generated By XML-Encryption Settings
Consumed By  
Required By XML-Encryption

Description The host on which the destination Web Service is running.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Dynamic Router

Static Router

Web Service Filter
Consumed By  
Required By Connection


Name http.destination.port
Description The port on which the destination Web Service is listening.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Dynamic Router

Static Router

Web Service Filter
Consumed By  
Required By Connection


Name http.destination.protocol
Description Indicates the protocol to use when routing messages to the destination Web Service. Typically, the protocol is either HTTP or HTTPS.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Dynamic Router

Static Router

Web Service Filter
Consumed By  
Required By Connection



Name http.request.clientaddr
Description Contains the IP address of the client machine from which the HTTP request was sent to API Gateway.
Generated By  
Consumed By  
Required By IP Address


Name http.request.connection.error
Description If an error occurs when API Gateway is routing on to the target Web Service, the error status will be recorded in this attribute.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Connection

Web Service Filter
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name http.request.clientcert
Description Contains the certificate used by the client in the HTTP request.
Generated By  
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name http.request.path
Description Contains the path on which the HTTP request from the client is received by the API Gateway (for example, /test).
Type java.lang.String
Generated By  
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name http.request.uri
Description Contains the URI on which the HTTP request is received by the API Gateway (for example, /test?location=dublin).
Generated By Web Service Filter
Consumed By  
Required By Connection

Dynamic Router

Operation Name

Rewrite URL

Relative Path

Return WSDL


Name http.request.verb
Description Contains the HTTP verb used in the client HTTP request to the API Gateway.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By  
Consumed By  
Required By Connection

HTTP Basic Authentication

HTTP Digest Authentication

Web Service Filter


Name http.request.version
Description Contains the HTTP version used in the request from the client to the API Gateway.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By  
Consumed By  
Required By

Description Contains the reason-phrase from the HTTP status-line (for example, Not found from the 404 Not found status-line).
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Connection

Web Service Filter
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name http.response.status
Description Stores the HTTP status-code of the response from the Web Service, (for example, 404 from the 404 Not found status-line).
Type java.lang.Integer
Generated By Connection

Web Service Filter
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name http.response.version
Description Stores the HTTP version used in the response from the Web Service.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Connection

Web Service Filter
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name kerberos.client.context.established
Description Indicates whether the client-side context has been established (true or false).
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Kerberos Client Authentication

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name kerberos.context
Description Used on client-side to reload the context to consume the service-side token, if there is one.
Type org.ietf.jgss.GSSContext
Generated By Kerberos Client Authentication

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name kerberos.mechanism.oid
Description Contains the mechanism OID ( SPNEFGO or Kerberos ).
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Kerberos Client Authentication

Kerberos Client Authentication

Consumed By  
Required By

Description Contains the wsu:Id of the BinarySecurityToken containing the AP_REQ message generated by the GssInitiatorFilter .
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Kerberos Client Authentication

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name kerberos.profile.ap.req.sha1
Description Contains the SHA1 hash of a Kerberos AP_REQ message. This is generated when a Kerberos service consumes it, or when a Kerberos client generates it.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Kerberos Client Authentication

Kerberos Client Authentication

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name kerberos.service.authenticator.principal
Description Contains the principal extracted from the AP_REQ message on the Kerberos acceptor side.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Kerberos Client Authentication

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name kerberos.service.authenticator.realm
Description Contains the realm extracted from the AP_REQ message on the Kerberos acceptor side.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Kerberos Client Authentication

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name kerberos.service.authenticator.time
Description Contains the time extracted from the AP_REQ message on the Kerberos acceptor side.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Kerberos Client Authentication

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name kerberos.service.context.established
Description Indicates whether the service-side context has been established (true or false).
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Kerberos Client Authentication

Consumed By  
Required By

Description Contains the principal name of the Kerberios service.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Kerberos Client Authentication

Kerberos Client Authentication

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name kerberos.service.ticket.principal
Description Contains the principal extracted from the AP_REQ message on the Kerberos acceptor side.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Kerberos Client Authentication

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name kerberos.service.ticket.realm
Description Contains the realm extracted from the AP_REQ message on the Kerberos acceptor side.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Kerberos Client Authentication

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name kerberos.session.key
Description On the Kerberos server-side, contains the session key extracted from the service ticket and authenticator in the Kerberos AP_REQ message. On the Kerberos client-side, contains the session key extracted from the private credentials of the client subject in the KerebrosTicket .
Generated By Kerberos Client Authentication

Kerberos Client Authentication

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name mcafee.status
Description Stores the overall message status of all message parts after a McAfee virus scan (for example, NOVIRUS , INFECTED , REPAIRED , and REMOVED ).
Type java.lang.String
Generated By McAfee Anti-Virus
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name message.key
Description Contains a hash of the request message. By default, used as the key to search for objects in the cache.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Create Key

Consumed By  
Required By Cache Attribute

Is Cached?

Remove Cached Attribute


Name saml.assertion
Description Contains the SAML assertion that was used for authentication, authorization, or attribute extraction.
Type org.w3c.dom.Element
Generated By Retrieve Attributes from SAML Attribute Assertion

SAML Authentication

SAML Authorization
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name saml.assertion.position
Description Indicates the position of the SAML assertion within a given WS-Security block. There may be more than 1 assertion in a WS-Security block, and so this attribute can be used to select the appropriate one.
Type java.lang.Integer
Generated By Retrieve Attributes from SAML Attribute Assertion

SAML Authentication

SAML Authorization
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name saml.wsblockinfo
Description Stores the WS-Security block that contains the relevant SAML assertion.
Type com.vordel.common.util.WSBlockInfo
Generated By Retrieve Attributes from SAML Attribute Assertion

SAML Authentication

SAML Authorization
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name samlpdp.response.assertion
Description Contains the SAML assertion from the SAMLP response.
Type org.w3c.dom.Element
Generated By Retrieve Attributes from SAML Attribute Assertion

SAML PDP Authorization
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name samlpdp.response.doc
Description Contains the SAMLP response from the SAML PDP as an XML Document.
Type org.w3c.dom.Document
Generated By Retrieve Attributes from SAML PDP

SAML PDP Authorization

SAML PDP Response XML-Signature Verification

SAML PDP XML-Signature Response Verification
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name samlpdp.response.namespace.saml
Description Stores the SAML namespace that was used in the SAMLP response.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Retrieve Attributes from SAML PDP

SAML PDP Authorization
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name samlpdp.response.namespace.samlp
Description Stores the SAMLP namespace that was used in the SAMLP response.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Retrieve Attributes from SAML PDP

SAML PDP Authorization
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name samlpdp.subject.format
Description Contains the subject format used in the SAMLP request to the SAML PDP.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Retrieve Attributes from SAML PDP

SAML PDP Authorization

Consumed By  
Required By

Description Identifies the subject used in the SAMLP request to the SAML PDP.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Retrieve Attributes from SAML PDP

SAML PDP Authorization
Consumed By  
Required By

Description Stores the name of the backend Web Service. For example, this is used when the service is displayed in real-time monitoring tools.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Set Service Name

Set Web Service Context

Web Service Filter
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name siteminder.agent
Description Indicates the name of the agent that API Gateway uses to connect to SiteMinder as.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By SiteMinder Certificate Authentication

SiteMinder Session Validation

Consumed By  
Required By SiteMinder Authorization

SiteMinder Logout


Name siteminder.decision
Description API Gateway can ask SiteMinder to make an authorization decision based on whether or not SiteMinder authenticates the user. SiteMinder returns its decision to API Gateway where it is stored in this attribute.
Type com.vordel.circuit.siteminder.SiteMinderDecision
Generated By SiteMinder Certificate Authentication

SiteMinder Session Validation
Consumed By  
Required By SiteMinder Authorization

SiteMinder Logout


Name soap.request.action
Description Specifies the SOAP Action in the HTTP header.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By SOAPAction
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name soap.request.method
Description Stores the SOAP operation name. This is the first element under the SOAP body for an RPC encoded SOAP message.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Operation Name
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name soap.request.method.namespace
Description Contains the namespace of the element identified by the value of the soap.request.method attribute. In other words, this attribute indicates the namespace of the SOAP operation.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Operation Name
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name soasecuritymanager.action
Description Contains the action to take.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name soasecuritymanager.agent
Description Contains the name of the agent used by API Gateway to connect to the CA SOA Security Manager.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By CA SOA Security Manager Authentication
Consumed By  
Required By CA SOA Security Manager Authorization


Name soasecuritymanager.decision
Description Contains the authentication/authorization decision made by CA SOA Security Manager.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By CA SOA Security Manager Authentication
Consumed By  
Required By CA SOA Security Manager Authorization


Name soasecuritymanager.realmdef
Description Contains the authentication/authorization realm of the CA SOA Security Manager.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By CA SOA Security Manager Authentication
Consumed By  
Required By CA SOA Security Manager Authorization


Name soasecuritymanager.resource
Description Contains the name of the resource that the client is attempting to access.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name soasecuritymanager.resource.context
Description Describes the context of the resource that the user is attempting to access.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By CA SOA Security Manager Authentication
Consumed By  
Required By CA SOA Security Manager Authorization


Name webservice.context
Description Stores the Web Service context of the backend Web Service. For example, this is used to identify the service in the Web Service Repository when a WSDL request is received.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Set Web Service Context

Web Service Filter
Consumed By  
Required By Return WSDL

Schema Validation

Description Associates the generated UsernameToken with the authenticated user.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Insert WS-Security Username Token
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name wss.timestamp
Description The timestamp in the WSS header block that is obtained from the message for a particular SOAP actor/role. Indicates how long the security data remains valid for.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract WSS Timestamp
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name wss.usernameToken
Description The usernameToken in the WSS header block that is obtained from the message for a particular SOAP actor/role.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Extract WSS Username Token
Consumed By  
Required By  


Name xacml.decision
Description Contains the authorization decision sent by the XACML Policy Decision Point to the XACML Policy Enforcement Point (for example, Permit , Deny , Indeterminate , or NotApplicable ).
Type java.lang.String
Generated By XACML PEP

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name xacml.result.xml
Description Contains the XML response message that includes the authorization decision sent by the XACML Policy Decision Point to the XACML Policy Enforcement Point (for example, Permit , Deny , Indeterminate , or NotApplicable ).
Type java.lang.String
Generated By XACML PEP

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name xacml.statuscode
Description Contains the XACML status code message (for example, urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:status:ok syntax-error , processing-error , or missing-attribute ).
Type java.lang.String
Generated By XACML PEP

Consumed By  
Required By  


Name xsd.errors
Description Stores validation errors generated when a schema validation check fails. For example, you can return an appropriate SOAP Fault to the client by writing out the contents of this attribute. You can configure a Set Message filter to write a custom response message back to the client, and place it on the failure path of the Schema Validation filter.
Type java.lang.String
Generated By Schema Validation

Consumed By  
Required By