External Connections


The API Gateway can leverage your existing Identity Management infrastructure, thus avoiding the need to maintain separate silos of user information. For example, if you already have a database full of user credentials, the API Gateway can authenticate requests against this database, rather than using its own internal user store. Similarly, the API Gateway can authorize users, lookup user attributes, and validate certificates against third-party Identity Management servers.

You can add a connection to an external system as a global External Connection in the Policy Studio so that it can be reused across all filters and policies. For example, if you create a policy that authenticates users against an LDAP directory, and then validates an XML signature by retrieving a public key from the same LDAP directory, it makes sense to create a global External Connection for that LDAP directory. You can then select the LDAP Connection in both the authentication and XML signature verification filters, rather than having to reconfigure them in both filters.

You can also use External Connections in cases where you want to configure a group of related URLs. This is most useful when you want to round-robin between a number of related URLs to ensure high availability. When the API Gateway is configured to use a URL Connection Set (instead of a single URL), it round-robins between the URLs in the set.

You can configure External Connections by right-clicking the appropriate node (for example, Database Connections) under the External Connections node in the Policy Studio tree. This topic introduces the different types of External Connection and shows where to obtain more details.

Authentication Repository Profiles

The API Gateway can authenticate users against external databases and LDAP repositories, in addition to its own local user store. You can also use a number of bespoke authentication connectors to enable the API Gateway to authenticate against specific third-party Identity Management products.

Connection details for these authentication repositories are configured at a global level, making them available for use across authentication (and authorization) filters. This saves the administrator from reconfiguring connection details in each filter.

For example, the available authentication repository types include the following:

  • CA SiteMinder Repositories

  • Database Repositories

  • Entrust GetAccess Repositories

  • LDAP Repositories

  • Local Repositories (for example, Local User Store)

  • Oracle Access Manager Repositories

  • Oracle Entitlements Server Repositories

  • RADIUS Repositories

  • RSA Access Manager Repositories

  • Tivoli Repositories

For details how to configure the various authentication repository types, see the Authentication Repository topic.

Connection Sets

Connection Sets are used by the API Gateway to round-robin between groups of external servers (for example, RSA Access Manager). You can use reuse these global groups when configuring connections to external servers in the Policy Studio. For this reason, Connection Sets are available under the External Connections node according to the filter from which they are available. For example, Connection Sets under the RSA ClearTrust Connection Sets node are available in the RSA Access Manager filter.

At runtime, the API Gateway can round-robin between the servers in the group to ensure that if one of the servers becomes unavailable, the API Gateway can use one of the other servers in the group.

To add a Connection Set for a particular category of filters, right-click the appropriate node under the Connection Sets node under the External Connections node. Select Add a Connection Set to display the Connection Group dialog. For more details, see the Configuring Connection Groups topic.

Database Connections

The API Gateway typically connects to databases to authenticate or authorize users using the API Gateway's numerous Authentication and Authorization filters. Similarly, the API Gateway can retrieve user attributes from a database (for example, which can then be used to generate SAML attribute assertions later in the policy). You can configure database connections globally under the External Connections node, making them available to the various filters that require a database connection. This means that an administrator can reuse the same database connection details across multiple authentication, authorization, and attribute-based filters.

The API Gateway maintains a JDBC pool of database connections to avoid the overhead of setting up and tearing down connections to service simultaneous requests. This pool is implemented using Jakarta DBCP (Database Connection Pools). The settings in the Advanced section of the Configure Database Connection dialog are used internally by the API Gateway to initialize the connection pool. The table at the end of this section shows how the fields correspond to specific configuration DBCP settings.

To configure details for a global database connection, right-click the External Connections -> Database Connections node. Select the Add a Database Connection menu option, and configure the fields on the Configure Database Connection dialog. For details on configuring these fields, see the Database Connection topic.

ICAP Servers

The Internet Content Adaptation Protocol (ICAP) is a lightweight HTTP-based protocol used to optimize proxy servers, which frees up resources and standardizes how features are implemented. For example, ICAP is typically used to implement features such as virus scanning, content filtering, ad insertion, or language translation in the HTTP proxy cache.

When an ICAP Server is configured under the External Connections node, you can then select it in multiple ICAP filters. For details on how to configure an ICAP Server, see the Configuring ICAP Servers topic.

JMS Services

The Java Message Service (JMS) is a Java message-oriented middleware API for sending messages between two or more clients. When a JMS Service is configured under the External Connections node, it is available for selection in multiple JMS-related configuration screens. This enables you to share JMS configuration across multiple filters.

For more details on configuring JMS services, see the Messaging System topic.

Kerberos Connections

You can configure global Kerberos Clients, Kerberos Services, and Kerberos Principals under the External Connections node. When a Kerberos item is configured, it is available for selection in all Kerberos-related configuration screens that require this item. This enables you to share Kerberos configuration items across multiple filters.

For more details, see the following topics:

LDAP Connections

In the same way that database connections can be configured globally in the Policy Studio (and then reused across individual filters), LDAP connections are also managed globally in the Policy Studio. LDAP connections are used by authentication, authorization, and attribute filters. Filters that require a public key (from a public-private key pair) can also retrieve the key from an LDAP source.

When a filter that uses an LDAP directory is run for the first time, it binds to the LDAP directory using the connection details configured on the Configure LDAP Server dialog. Usually the connection details include the username and password of an administrator user who has read access to all users in the LDAP directory for whom you wish to retrieve attributes or authenticate.

For details on how to configure a global LDAP connection, see the topic on Configuring LDAP Directories.

OCSP Connections

The API Gateway can use OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) to validate a certificate against an OCSP responder or group of responders. OCSP requests for certificate validation can be signed by a key from the Certificate Store, and the response from the OCSP responder can be optionally validated.

An OCSP Connection typically comprises a group of OCSP Responder URLs, together with options to sign OCSP requests and validate OCSP responses. To configure a global OCSP Connection, right-click the OCSP Connection node under the External Connections node. Select the Add an OCSP Connection option to display the Certificate Validation - OCSP dialog. For more details, see the OCSP Certificate Validation topic.

[Note] Note

When an OCSP Connection is added in this manner, it is available for selection in the OCSP Certificate Validation filter, which is found under the Certificate category of filters in the Policy Studio.

Proxy Servers

You can configure proxy servers under the External Connections node, which can then be specified in the Connection and Connect To URL filters. When configured, the filter connects to the proxy server, which routes the message to the destination server.

To configure a proxy server, click the External Connections node, and select Proxy Servers -> Add a Proxy Server. For details on how to configure the settings the Proxy Server Settings dialog, see the Proxy Servers topic.

RADIUS Clients

The Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) protocol provides centralized authentication and authorization for clients connecting to remote services.

To configure a client connection to a remote server over the RADIUS protocol, click the External Connections node, and select RADIUS Clients -> Add a RADIUS Client. For details on how to configure the settings the RADIUS Client dialog, see the RADIUS Clients topic.

For details on how to configure a RADIUS Authentication Repository, see the Authentication Repository topic.


To add a CA SiteMinder connection, right-click the SiteMinder/SOA Security Manager node under the External Connections node, and select Add a SiteMinder Connection to display the SiteMinder Connection Details dialog. For details on configuring the fields on this dialog, see the SiteMinder/SOA Security Manager Connection topic.

SMTP Servers

You can configure a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server as a global configuration item under the External Connections node. The SMTP filter in the Routing category can then reference this SMTP server. To configure an SMTP server, right-click the External Connections -> SMTP Servers node, and select Add an SMTP Server. For more details, see the topic on SMTP Servers.

SOA Security Manager

To add a CA SiteMinder connection, right-click the External Connections -> SiteMinder/SOA Security Manager node, and select Add a SOA Security Manager Connection to display the SOA Security Manager Connection Details dialog. For details on configuring the fields on this dialog, see the SiteMinder/SOA Security Manager Connection topic.

Syslog Servers

You can configure Syslog Servers globally, and then select them as a customized logging destination for an API Gateway instance. Right-click the External Connections -> Syslog Servers node, and select the Add a Syslog Server menu option. Complete the following fields on the Syslog Server dialog:


Enter a name for the Syslog server.


Specify the host on which the Syslog daemon is running.


Select the Syslog facility that you want to log to.

For details on how to configure the API Gateway instance to log to this remote Syslog Server, see the topic on Transaction Log Settings.


You can add connections to the following TIBCO products:

  • TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Service (EMS)

  • TIBCO Rendezvous Daemon

To add a TIBCO EMS connection, right-click the External Connections -> TIBCO EMS Connection node in the tree, and select Add a TIBCO EMS Connection. For details on configuring the fields on the dialog, see the TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Service Connection topic.

To add a TIBCO Rendezvous Daemon, right-click the External Connections -> TIBCO Rendezvous Daemon node in the tree, and select Add a TIBCO Rendezvous Daemon. For details on configuring the fields on the dialog, see the TIBCO Rendezvous Daemon topic.


You can create a connection to an IBM Tivoli server to enable integration between the API Gateway and Tivoli Access Manager. Tivoli connections can then be used by the API Gateway's Tivoli filter to delegate authentication and authorization decisions to Tivoli Access Manager, and to leverage existing Tivoli Access Manager policies.

To add a Tivoli connection, right-click the External Connections -> Tivoli Connections node in the tree, and select Add a Tivoli Connection. For details on configuring the fields on the Tivoli Configuration dialog, see the Tivoli Integration topic.

URL Connection Sets

URL Connection Sets are used by API Gateway filters to round-robin between groups of external servers (for example, Entrust GetAccess, OCSP, SAML PDP, or XKMS). These global groups can then be reused when configuring these filters in the Policy Studio. For this reason, URL Connection Sets are available under the External Connections node in the tree, according to the filters from which they are available. For example, URL sets under the OCSP URL Sets node are available in the OCS Certificate Validation filter, while sets under the XKMS URL Sets are only available from the XKMS Certificate Validation filter.

At runtime, the API Gateway can round-robin between the servers in the group to ensure that if one of the servers becomes unavailable, the API Gateway can use one of the other servers in the group.

To add a URL Connection Set for a particular category of filters, right-click the appropriate node under the External Connections -> URL Connection Sets node in the tree. Select the Add a URL Set option to display the URL Group dialog. For more details, see the Configuring URL Groups topic.

XKMS Connections

The API Gateway can also validate certificates against an XKMS (XML Key Management Service) responder or group of responders. An XKMS Connection consists of a group of XKMS responders to validate certificates against, coupled with the signing key to use for signing requests to each of the responders in the group.

To add a global XKMS Connection, right-click the External Connections -> XKMS Connection node in the tree, and select the Add an XKMS Connection option to display the Certificate Validation - XKMS dialog. For more details, see the XKMS Certificate Validation topic.

All global XKMS Connections are available for selection when configuring the Certificate Validation - XKMS filter. This saves the administrator from reconfiguring XKMS connection details across multiple filters.