Message Filter Reference

Extract WSS Header

Name Extract WSS Header
Description Extracts a WS-Security <Header> block from a message, and stores it in the message attribute.
Category Attributes
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes
Tutorial Extract WSS Header

Extract WSS Timestamp

Name Extract WSS Timestamp
Description Extracts a WS-Utility Timestamp from a message. The timestamp is stored in a specified message attribute to be processed later in a policy. Defaults to the wss.timestamp message attribute.
Category Attributes
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes wss.timestamp
Tutorial Extract WSS Timestamp

Extract WSS Username Token

Name Extract WSS Username Token
Description Extracts a WS-Security UsernameToken from a message if it exists. The extracted UsernameToken is stored in the wss.usernameToken message attribute.
Category Attributes
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes wss.usernameToken
Tutorial Extract WSS UsernameToken

Insert SAML Attribute Assertion

Name Insert SAML Attribute Assertion
Description Inserts a SAML attribute assertion into the downstream message.
Category Attributes
Required Attributes attribute.lookup.list


Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Insert SAML Attribute Assertion

Retrieve Attributes from Directory Server

Name Retrieve Attribute from Directory Server
Description Retrieves user attributes from an LDAP directory.
Category Attributes
Required Attributes

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes attribute.lookup.list

Tutorial Retrieve Attributes from Directory Server

Retrieve Attribute from HTTP Header

Name Retrieve Attribute from HTTP Header
Description Retrieves the value of an HTTP header and sets it to a user-specified message attribute.
Category Attributes
Required Attributes content.body

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Retrieve Attribute from HTTP Header

Retrieve Attributes from Database

Name Retrieve Attributes from Database
Description Retrieves user attributes from a specified database.
Category Attributes
Required Attributes

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes attribute.lookup.list

Tutorial Retrieve Attribute from Database

Retrieve Attribute from Message

Name Retrieve Attribute from Message
Description Retrieves the value of an XML attribute or element from the message and sets it to a user-specified message attribute.
Category Attributes
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Retrieve Attribute from Message

Retrieve Attributes from SAML Attribute Assertion

Name Retrieve Attribute from SAML Attribute Assertion
Description Retrieves user attributes from a SAML attribute assertion and stores them in the attribute.lookup.list message attribute.
Category Attributes
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes attribute.lookup.list




Tutorial Retrieve Attribute from SAML Attribute Assertion

Retrieve Attributes from SAML PDP

Name Retrieve Attribute from SAML PDP
Description When a user has been successfully authenticated, the API Gateway can send a SAMLP (SAML Protocol) request to the SAML PDP to obtain user attributes. The PDP packages the relevant attributes into a SAML attribute assertion and returns the assertion to API Gateway in a SAMLP response. API Gateway validates the response and can optionally insert the attribute assertion into the downstream message.
Category Attributes
Required Attributes


Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes attribute.lookup.list





Tutorial SAML PDP Attributes

Retrieve Attributes from Tivoli

Name Retrieve Attributes from Tivoli
Description You can use this filter when you need to retrieve user attributes independently from authorizing the user against Tivoli Access Manager.
Category Attributes
Required Attributes

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes attribute.lookup.list


Tutorial Retrieve Attributes from Tivoli

Retrieve Attributes from User Store

Name Retrieve from User Store
Description Retrieves user attributes from the User Store and stores them in the attribute.lookup.list message attribute.
Category Attributes
Required Attributes
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes attribute.lookup.list

Tutorial Retrieve Attribute from User Store

SAML PDP XML-Signature Response Verification

Name SAML PDP XML-Signature Response Verification
Description Typically, a SAML PDP will sign SAMLP responses returned to API Gateway. In such cases, API Gateway can validate the signature on the response using this filter.
Category Attributes
Required Attributes samlpdp.response.doc
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes certificate

Tutorial SAML PDP Response XML-Signature Verification

Attribute Authentication

Name Attribute Authentication
Description Authenticates user credentials specified in API Gateway message attributes against a configured user store.
Category Authentication
Required Attributes

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes authentication.method



Tutorial Attribute Authentication

HTML Form-based Authentication

Name HTML Form-based Authentication
Description Authenticates API Gateway client user credentials specified in an HTML form against a configured user store.
Category Authentication
Required Attributes
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes authentication.method



Tutorial HTML Form-based Authentication

HTTP Basic Authentication

Name HTTP Basic Authentication
Description Authenticates a client against a configured user store using HTTP basic authentication.
Category Authentication
Required Attributes http.headers

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes authentication.method



Tutorial HTTP Basic Authentication

HTTP Digest Authentication

Name HTTP Digest Authentication
Description Authenticates a client against a configured user store using HTTP digest authentication.
Category Authentication
Required Attributes http.headers

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes authentication.method



Tutorial HTTP Digest Authentication

IP Address

Name IP Address
Description Allows or denies access to an IP address or range of IP addresses.
Category Authentication
Required Attributes http.request.clientaddr
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial IP Address

SSL Authentication

Name SSL Authentication
Description Authenticates a user's SSL certificate.
Category Authentication
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes authentication.cert





Tutorial SSL Authentication

CA SOA Security Manager Authentication

HTTP Header Authentication

Name HTTP Header Authentication
Description Extracts a user credential from an HTTP header and uses it to authenticate the user. Typically, a username, X.509 certificate, or Distinguished Name is extracted from the HTTP header.
Category Authentication
Required Attributes http.headers
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes authentication.cert







Tutorial HTTP Header Authentication

Insert SAML Authentication Assertion

Name Insert SAML Authentication Assertion
Description Inserts a SAML authentication assertion into the downstream message on behalf of an authenticated user.
Category Authentication
Required Attributes authentication.method


Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Insert SAML Authentication Assertion

Insert WS-Security Username Token

Name Insert WS-Security Username Token
Description Inserts a WS-Security Token into the downstream message on behalf of an authenticated client.
Category Authentication
Required Attributes

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes
Tutorial Insert WS-Security Username Token

Insert Timestamp

Name Insert Timestamp
Description Inserts a WS-Utility (WSU) Timestamp into a WS-Security Header to specify the lifetime of the message to which it is added.
Category Authentication
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes
Tutorial Insert Timestamp

Kerberos Client Authentication

Name Kerberos Client Authentication
Description Obtains a service ticket for a Kerberos Service, and uses it to authenticate to the service.
Category Authentication
Required Attributes
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes authentication.method







Tutorial Kerberos Client Authentication

Kerberos Service Authentication

SAML Authentication

Name SAML Authentication
Description Validates a SAML authentication assertion to make sure it has not expired.
Category Authentication
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes authentication.method




Tutorial SAML Authentication

SAML PDP Response XML-Signature Verification

Name SAML PDP Response XML-Signature Verification
Description Typically a SAML PDP will sign SAMLP responses and/or the issued SAML assertion itself. This filter can be used to validate the signature on the SAMLP response.
Category Authentication
Required Attributes samlpdp.response.doc
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes certificate

Tutorial SAML PDP Response XML-Signature Verification

Attribute Authorization

Name Attribute Authorization
Description This filter checks the values of user attributes that are stored in the attribute.lookup.list message attribute.
Category Authorization
Required Attributes attribute.lookup.list
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Attribute Authorization

CA SOA Security Manager Authorization

Name CA SOA Security Manager Authorization
Description Authorizes an authenticated user against CA SOA Security Manager.
Category Authorization
Required Attributes http.request.clientaddr




Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes attribute.lookup.list

Tutorial CA SOA Security Manager Authentication

Certificate Attributes Authorization

Name Certificate Attributes Authorization
Description Authorizes a user by examining the attributes in that user's X.509 certificate.
Category Authorization
Required Attributes

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Certificate Attributes

Check Group Membership

Name Check Group Membership
Description Checks whether the specified API Gateway User is a member of the specified API Gateway Group.
Category Authorization
Required Attributes

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Check Group Membership

Entrust GetAccess Authorization

Name GetAccess Authorization
Description Authorizes an authenticated user against Entrust's GetAccess.
Category Authorization
Required Attributes

authentication.subject.format content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Entrust GetAccess Authorization

Insert SAML Authorization Assertion

Name Insert SAML Authorization Assertion
Description When the user has been successfully authorized, API Gateway can insert a SAML authorization assertion into the downstream message.
Category Authorization
Required Attributes


Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Insert SAML Authorization Assertion

RSA Access Manager Authorization

Name Access Manager
Description Authorizes an authenticated user against RSA's ClearTrust Authorization Server.
Category Authorization
Required Attributes

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial RSA Access Manager Authorization

SAML Authorization

Name SAML Authorization
Description Authorizes a user by validating the SAML authorization assertion in an incoming request.
Category Authorization
Required Attributes


Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes saml.assertion


Tutorial SAML Authorization Assertion

SAML PDP Authorization

Name SAML PDP Authorization
Description Generates a SAMLP authorization request to a SAML PDP on behalf of an authenticated user. The SAML PDP generates a SAML authorization assertion and returns it to API Gateway in a SAMLP response. API Gateway validates the response and can optionally insert the assertion into the downstream message.
Category Authorization
Required Attributes authentication.method

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes samlpdp.response.assertion




Tutorial SAML PDP Authorization

SAML PDP Response XML-Signature Verification

Name SAML PDP Response XML-Signature Verification
Description Typically a SAML PDP will sign SAMLP responses and/or the issued SAML assertion itself. This filter can be used to validate the signature on the SAMLP response.
Category Authorization
Required Attributes samlpdp.response.doc
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes certificate

Tutorial SAML PDP Response XML-Signature Verification

Tivoli Authorization

Name Tivoli Authorization
Description Authorizes an authenticated user against IBM's Tivoli Access Manager.
Category Authorization
Required Attributes

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Tivoli Authorization


Description Configures an eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) Policy Enforcement Point (PEP)
Category Authorization
Required Attributes
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes xacml.decision



Tutorial XACML Policy Enforcement Point

SiteMinder Authorization

Name SiteMinder Authorization
Description Authorizes a user against CA's SiteMinder. The user must have been authenticated to SiteMinder before they can be authorized.
Category CA SiteMinder
Required Attributes siteminder.agent

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes attribute.lookup.list

Tutorial SiteMinder Authorization

SiteMinder Certificate Authentication

Name SiteMinder Certificate Authentication
Description Authenticates a user's certificate against SiteMinder.
Category CA SiteMinder
Required Attributes certificate

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes authentication.method



Tutorial SiteMinder Certificate Authentication

SiteMinder Logout

Name SiteMinder Logout
Description Terminates a user's SiteMinder session by invalidating the user's single sign-on token.
Category CA SiteMinder
Required Attributes siteminder.agent

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial SiteMinder Logout

SiteMinder Session Validation

Name SiteMinder Session Validation
Description Extracts a user's single sign-on token from the message and validates it against SiteMinder.
Category CA SiteMinder
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes authentication.method



Tutorial SiteMinder Session Validation

Cache Attribute

Name Cache Attribute
Description Specifies which part of the message is cached. Typically, response messages are cached, so this filter is usually configured after the routing filters in a policy.
Category Cache
Required Attributes message.key

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Cache Attribute

Create Key

Name Create Key
Description Specifies which part of a message determines if the message is unique (for example, message body, HTTP header, client IP address, and so on).
Category Cache
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes message.key

Tutorial Create Key

Is Cached?

Name Is Cached?
Description Looks up a named cache to see if a specified message attribute is already cached. A message attribute is used as the key to search for in the cache (defaults to message.key). If the lookup succeeds, the retrieved value overrides a specified message attribute (defaults to content.body).
Category Cache
Required Attributes message.key
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes content.body
Tutorial Is Cached?

Remove Cached Attribute

Name Remove Cached Attribute
Description Deletes a message attribute value that has been stored in a cache.
Category Cache
Required Attributes message.key
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Removed Cached Attribute

Certificate Chain

Name Certificate Chain
Description Ensures that a trusted CA (Certificate Authority) issued the certificate. Trusted CA certificates are stored in the Certificate Store.
Category Certificate
Required Attributes certificates
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Certificate Chain Check

Certificate Revocation List (Dynamic)

Name Certificate Revocation List (dynamic)
Description Validates a certificate against a CRL and automatically retrieves the CRL periodically.
Category Certificate
Required Attributes certificates
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Dynamic CRL Certificate Validation

Certificate Revocation List (LDAP)

Name CRL (in LDAP)
Description Looks up a user's certificate in an LDAP-based CRL to see if that user has been revoked.
Category Certificate
Required Attributes certificates
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial CRL LDAP Validation

Certificate Revocation List Responder

Name CRL Responder
Description Configures the API Gateway to act as CRL responder by returning CRL files to clients.
Category Certificate
Required Attributes certificates
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial CRL Responder

Certificate Revocation List (Static)

Name CRL (static)
Description Looks up a user's certificate in a file-based CRL to see if that user has been revoked.
Category Certificate
Required Attributes certificates
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Static CRL Certificate Validation

Create Thumbprint from Certificate

Name Create Thumbprint
Description Used to create a human-readable thumbprint (or fingerprint) from the X.509 certificate that is stored in the certificate message attribute. The generated thumbprint is stored in the certificate.thumbprint attribute.
Category Certificate
Required Attributes certificate
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes certificate.thumbprint
Tutorial certificate.thumbprint

Extract Certificate Attributes

Find Certificate

Name Find Certificate
Description Locates a certificate from a message attribute, HTTP header, message attachment, or extracts a certificate from the User Store. The extracted certificate is stored in a user-specified message attribute. This new attribute will then appear as a Generated Attribute in the policy. The certificate is stored in the certificate attribute by default.
Category Certificate
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes certificate

Tutorial Find Certificate

OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol)

Name OCSP Certificate Validation
Description Checks the status of a user's certificate against a group of OCSP responders.
Category Certificate
Required Attributes certificates
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial OCSP Certificate Validation

XKMS (XML Key Management and Security)

Name XKMS Certificate Validation
Description Validates a user's certificate against a group of XKMS responders.
Category Certificates
Required Attributes certificates
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial XKMS Certificate Validation

Content Type Filtering

Name Content Type Filtering
Description Filters MIME and DIME messages based on the types of their attachments.
Category Content Filtering
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Content Type Filtering

Content Validation

Name Content Validation
Description Runs a boolean XPath expression on the incoming request.
Category Content Filtering
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Content Validation


Name Throttling
Description Limits the number of messages a client can send in a specified interval through the policy in which this filter is configured. In other words, it provides filtering of messages on a per client, per service basis.
Category Content Filtering
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Throttling

McAfee Anti-Virus

Name McAfee Anti-Virus
Description Scans incoming HTTP requests and their attachments for viruses and exploits. Supports cleaning of messages from infections, provides scan presets for detection levels, and reports overall message status after scanning.
Category Content Filtering
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes mcafee.status
Tutorial McAfee Anti-Virus

Schema Validation

Name Schema Validation
Description Validates the contents of the message body against a selected XML Schema. This ensures that the message adheres to the correct message format, and can also ensure that the message contains appropriate data.
Category Content Filtering
Required Attributes content.body

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes xsd.errors
Tutorial Schema Validation

Validate HTTP Headers

Name Validate HTTP Headers
Description Filters MIME and DIME messages based on the types of their attachments.
Category Content Filtering
Required Attributes http.headers
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial HTTP Header Validation

Validate Message Attribute

Name Validate Message Attribute
Description Compares the value of a message attribute to a configured regular expression. It can also check for the presence of Threatening Content regular expressions such as SQL injection and buffer overflow attacks.
Category Content Filtering
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Validate Message Attributes

XML Complexity

Name XML Complexity
Description Checks the depth and complexity of XML messages.
Category Content Filtering
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial XML Complexity

Add HTTP Header

Name Add HTTP Header
Description Adds a user-specified HTTP header to the downstream message.
Category Conversion
Required Attributes http.headers
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Add HTTP Header

Set Message

Name Set Message
Description Sets the content of the message payload.
Category Conversion
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes content.body
Tutorial Set Message

Load File

Name Load file
Description Loads the contents of the specified file, and sets them as message content to be processed.
Category Conversion
Required Attributes
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes content.body
Tutorial Load File

Remove HTTP Header

Name Remove HTTP Header
Description Removes a user-specified HTTP header from the downstream message.
Category Conversion
Required Attributes http.headers
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Remove HTTP Header

XSLT Transformation

Name XSLT Transformation
Description This filter uses an XSLT stylesheet to convert the body of the incoming request to an alternative XML grammar or format.
Category Conversion
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial XSLT Transformation


Name XML-Decryption
Description Decrypts an XML-Encrypted message according to the settings configured in the XML-Decryption Settings filter. These settings are stored in the message attribute, which is a required attribute for this filter.
Category Encryption
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial XML-Decryption

XML-Decryption Settings

Name XML-Decryption Settings
Description This filter is used to specify the XML-Encrypted blocks to decrypt in the message. All of the encrypted blocks can be decrypted or a single encrypted block can be selected using an XPath expression. The actual decryption is performed by the XML-Decryption filter.
Category Encryption
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes
Tutorial XML-Decryption Settings


Name XML-Encryption
Description Encrypts (part of) an XML message as specified in the XML Encryption Settings filter. The message will be encrypted such that only its intended recipients can decrypt it.
Category Encryption
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial XML-Encryption

XML-Encryption Settings

Name XML-Encryption Settings
Description This filter is used to specify the part(s) of the message to encrypt, and for whom the message is to be encrypted. Only the intended recipients will be able to decrypt the message.
Category Encryption
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes
Tutorial XML-Encryption Settings

SOAP Fault

Name SOAP Fault
Description If a SOAP Fault handler is configured for a policy, it handles any exceptions that occur in the policy. As such it dictates the format of the SOAP Fault that is returned to the client.
Category Fault Handlers
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial SOAP Fault

Sign Message

Name XML Signature Generation
Description Signs the selected part of the incoming request.
Category Integrity
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial XML Signature Generation

XML-Signature Verification

Name XML-Signature Verification
Description Verifies the integrity of the incoming message by validating its XML-Signature. This ensures that the message was not tampered with after it was signed.
Category Integrity
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes certificate

Tutorial XML Signature Verification

Set Service Name

Name Set Service Name
Description Configures service-level monitoring details. For example, you can specify the service name displayed in real-time monitoring tools, and whether to store service usage metrics.
Category Monitoring
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes

Tutorial Set Service Context


Name Alert
Description Sends an alert to a configured alerting destination.
Category Monitoring
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial System Alerting

Log Access

Name Log Access
Description Logs message details in Common Log Format to an Access Log. The log file is written to the /logs directory of your API Gateway installation.
Category Monitoring
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Log Access Filter

Log Message Payload

Name Log Message Payload
Description Logs the message payload, including HTTP headers and MIME/DIME attachments, at a particular point in the policy.
Category Monitoring
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Log Message Payload

Operation Name

Name Operation Name
Description Compares the first element of the SOAP body (i.e. the SOAP operation) and its namespace to the values configured here.
Category Resolvers
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes soap.request.method

Tutorial Operation Name

Relative Path

Name Relative Path
Description Matches the relative path (URI) on which the request was received to the value configured here.
Category Resolvers
Required Attributes http.request.uri
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Relative Path Resolver


Name SOAPAction
Description Matches the SOAPAction HTTP header on the incoming request to the value configured in this filter.
Category Resolvers
Required Attributes http.headers
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes soap.request.action
Tutorial SOAP Action Resolver


Name Connection
Description This filter is responsible for connecting to the target Web Service or system. API Gateway can mutually authenticate to the endpoint using SSL certificates or HTTP basic/digest authentication.
Category Routing
Required Attributes content.body





Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes http.headers



Tutorial Connection

Dynamic Router

Name Dynamic Router
Description In cases where API Gateway is acting as a proxy, it can extract the URL from the request line of the HTTP request and route the message to this address.
Category Routing
Required Attributes http.request.uri
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes


Tutorial Dynamic Router

Rewrite URL

Name Rewrite URL
Description In cases where API Gateway is acting as a proxy, it can forward the message on to the address specified in the request line of the HTTP request. This filter can be used to rewrite the URL of the original request to an alternative one, i.e. service virtualization.
Category Routing
Required Attributes http.request.uri
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Rewrite URL

Static Router

Name Static Router
Description The static router is used to configure connection details for a particular endpoint. API Gateway will route messages to the endpoint configured here.
Category Routing
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes


Tutorial Static Router

Insert WS-Addressing

Name Insert WS-Addressing
Description Inserts WS-Addressing information into a SOAP message.
Category Routing
Required Attributes





Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Insert WS-Addressing

Read WS-Addressing

Name Read WS-Addressing
Description Uses WS-Addressing information contained within a SOAP message to route the message.
Category Routing
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes



Tutorial Read WS-Addressing

Save to File

Name Save to file
Description Writes the current message contents to a file.
Category Routing
Required Attributes content.body
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Save to File


Name Abort
Description Forces a policy path to abort and throw an exception. This causes a SOAP Fault to be returned to the client.
Category Utility
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Abort Filter

Copy/Modify Attributes

Name Copy/Modify Attributes
Description This filter can be used to copy the value of one message attribute to another.
Category Utility
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Copy/Modify Attributes


Name False
Description Forces the policy path to return false.
Category Utility
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial False Filter

Policy Shortcut

Name Policy Shortcut
Description This filter can be used to pass control to another policy. It is very useful for creating a policy macro that contains small pieces of logic that you may wish to keep outside of a policy so that it can be re-used. This helps to keep the main logic of a policy uncluttered.
Category Utility
Required Attributes The required attributes for this filter are whatever attributed are required by the start node of the policy shortcut.
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes The generated attributes for this filter are the attributes that are returned from the end node of the policy shortcut.
Tutorial Policy Shortcut


Name Reflect
Description Echoes the request body back to the client.
Category Utility
Required Attributes content.body

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes http.response.status
Tutorial Reflect Message Filter

Reflect Message and Attributes

Name Reflect Message and Attributes
Description Echoes the request body and the current message attributes back to the client.
Category Utility
Required Attributes content.body

Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Reflect Message And Attributes Filter


Name True
Description Forces a true result from a policy path.
Category Utility
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial True Filter

Execute process

Name Execute process
Description Executes an external process from a policy.
Category Utility
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Execute External Process


Name Pause
Description This filter forces the policy to suspend processing for a specified time interval. When this interval has elapsed, the next filter in the policy path is executed immediately.
Category Utility
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Pause Filter

Set Response Status

Name Set Response Status
Description Explicitly sets the response status of a given message.
Category Utility
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Set Response Status

String Replace

Name String Replace
Description Replaces all or part of the value of the specified string in a message attribute.
Category Utility
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial String Replace Filter


Name Trace
Description Forces the API Gateway to trace the current message attributes to the configured trace destination. By default, trace files are written to the /trace directory of your API Gateway installation.
Category Utility
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Trace Filter

Return WSDL

Name Return WSDL
Description Returns a WSDL file from the Web Services Repository. This filter is configured automatically when a WSDL file is imported into the repository.
Category Web Service
Required Attributes http.headers


Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes  
Tutorial Return WSDL

Set Web Service Context

Name Set Web Service Context
Description Specifies which service to take resources from in the Web Service Repository. For example, if you set this filter to a getQuote service in the repository, and configure the Return WSDL filter, the WSDL definition for the getQuote service is returned when a WSDL request is received.
Category Web Service
Required Attributes  
Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes

Tutorial Set Web Service Context

Web Service Filter

Name Web Service Filter
Description Controls and validates requests to the Web Service and responses from the Web Service. This is automatically generated as the Service Handler when a WSDL file is imported into the Web Services Repository.
Category Web Service
Required Attributes content.body



Consumed Attributes  
Generated Attributes








Tutorial Web Service Filter