Log Access Filter


The Log Access filter is used by the API Gateway to log records of all messages that pass through the filter. The API Gateway writes the access log to an access.log file in the logs/access directory. This file rolls over at the start of each day so that the name of the log file includes the date the date on which it was created (for example, access_30Apr2010.log).

[Important] Important

The Log Access filter is deprecated in version 7.x. Instead you should use the Access Log available in the Settings in the Policy Studio. For more details, see the Access Log Settings topic.

Log Format

The format of the log entries is Common Log Format, which has the following format:

host ident authuser date request status bytes 

The following list explains each item:

  • host: The remote hostname.

  • ident: The remote logname of the user.

  • authuser: The username by which the user has authenticated himself (for example, the Distinguished Name of a certificate).

  • date: The date and time of the request.

  • request: The request line exactly as it originated at the client.

  • status: The HTTP status code returned to the client.

  • bytes: The content-length of the document returned to the client.

The following extract from the access.log file illustrates the format:

m1.oracle.com - Good [30/Mar/2009:22:09:05 00] "http://services/qotd" 200 587 
m3.oracle.com - Good [30/Mar/2009:22:10:34 00] "http://services/qotd" 200 671 
m1.oracle.com - Good [30/Mar/2009:22:10:53 00] "http://services/qotd" 200 571 

Because the Log Access filter reports the number of bytes returned to the client (the bytes parameter explained above), it should be positioned towards the end of a policy. A typical policy involving a Log Access filter might appear as follows:

A Policy with a Log Access Filter


The Log Access filter requires only a Name field to be configured.