The atg.endeca.index.EndecaIndexingOutputConfig class has a number of properties that configure various aspects of the record creation and submission process:


The component of class atg.endeca.index.configuration.IndexingApplicationConfiguration used to configure indexing settings for the integration. For both the ProductCatalogOutputConfig and CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig components, the default setting is:


The full Nucleus pathname of the XML indexing definition file that specifies the repository item types and properties to include in the Guided Search records. For the /atg/commerce/search/ProductCatalogOutputConfig component, this property is set as follows:


For /atg/commerce/endeca/index/CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig:


See the Configuring EndecaIndexingOutputConfig Definition Files chapter for information about the definition file’s elements and attributes that configure how GSA repository items are transformed into Guided Search records.


The full Nucleus pathname of the repository that the definition file applies to. For both the ProductCatalogOutputConfig and CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig components, this property is set to the product catalog repository:


It is also possible to specify the repository in the indexing definition file using the repository-path attribute of the top-level item element. If the repository is specified in the definition file and also set by the component’s repository property, the value set by the repository property overrides the value set in the definition file.

Note that in an ATG Content Administration environment, the repository should not be set to a versioned repository. Instead, it should be set to the corresponding unversioned target repository. For example, an EndecaIndexingOutputConfig component for a product catalog in an ATG Content Administration environment could be set to:


A component of a class that implements the atg.repository.RepositoryItemGroup interface. This interface defines a logical grouping of repository items. Items that are not included in this logical grouping are excluded from the index. For the CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig component, this property is set by default to null (so no items are excluded). For the ProductCatalogOutputConfig component, repositoryItemGroup property is set by default to:


The IndexedItemsGroup component uses this targeting rule set to select only products that have an ancestor catalog:

    <rule op=isNotNull>
      <valueof target="computedCatalogs">

This rule set ensures that the index does not include products that are not part of the catalog hierarchy.

It is also possible to specify a repository item group in the indexing definition file using the repository-item-group attribute of the top-level item element. If a repository item group is specified in the definition file and also by the component’s repositoryItemGroup property, the value set by the repositoryItemGroup property overrides the value set in the definition file.

Note that the IndexedItemGroup component has a repository property that specifies the repository that the items are selected from. This value must match the repository that the ProductCatalogOutputConfig is associated with.

For more information about targeting rule sets, see the Personalization Programming Guide.


The component (typically of class atg.endeca.index.RecordStoreDocumentSubmitter) to use to submit records to the appropriate CAS record store. For the ProductCatalogOutputConfig component, this property is set as follows:


For the CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig component:


See Document Submitter Components for more information.


If true, a baseline update is performed when a partial update is requested, if a value of a hierarchical dimension has been changed. For CatalogToDimensionOutputConfig, this property is set to true by default, because the component generates category dimension values, which are hierarchical. For ProductCatalogOutputConfig, this property is set to false by default, because the component does not generate hierarchical dimension values.


A component of a class that implements the interface. For CatalogToDimensionOutputConfig, this property is set to /atg/commerce/endeca/index/CategoryRepositoryItemChangedProcessor. This component is responsible for preventing category items from being added to the incremental item queue unnecessarily.

If the forceToBaselineOnChange property is true, a baseline update is triggered when a partial update is requested, if the incremental item queue contains any category items. In some cases, the baseline update is not really necessary, because the category item changes do not affect the category dimension values (for example, changes to properties that are not included in the indexed records). In this situation, CategoryRepositoryItemChangedProcessor prevents the changes from being added to the queue, so a baseline update is not triggered.


A Nucleus component of class atg.endeca.index.RecordStoreBulkLoaderImpl. This is typically set to /atg/search/repository/BulkLoader. Any number of EndecaIndexingOutputConfig components can use the same bulk loader.

See Data Loader Components for more information.


If true, incremental loading is enabled.


A Nucleus component of class atg.endeca.index.RecordStoreIncrementalLoaderImpl. This is typically set to /atg/search/repository/IncrementalLoader. Any number of EndecaIndexingOutputConfig components can use the same incremental loader.

See Data Loader Components for more information.


A list of the IDs of the items whose child items should not be indexed. For example, Commerce Reference Store excludes products and SKUs that are not part of the standard catalog hierarchy (such as gift wrapping) by setting the excludedItemsAncestorIds property of the ProductCatalogOutputConfig component to:


Note that an item is excluded only if all of its ancestor items are specified. So to exclude a product that is several levels deep in the catalog hierarchy, excludedItemsAncestorIds must list all of the categories in the path to the product you want to exclude. If there are multiple paths to an item, all of its ancestor categories in all of those paths must be listed in excludedItemsAncestorIds, or the item will not be excluded. For example, if all of a product’s ancestors in one path are excluded, but there is another path to this product and some of the categories in that path are not excluded, the product will be indexed.


A list of site IDs of the sites to include in the index. The value of this property is used to automatically set the value of the sitesToIndex property, which is the actual property used to determine which sites to index. If siteIDsToIndex is explicitly set to a list of site IDs, sitesToIndex is set to the sites that have those IDs. If the value of siteIDsToIndex is null (the default), sitesToIndex is set to a list of all enabled sites. So it is only necessary to set siteIDsToIndex if you want to restrict indexing to only a subset of the enabled sites.


A list of the property-name prefixes that should be replaced with the item type that the property is associated with. In this list, a period (.) specifies that a type prefix should be added to properties of the top-level item, which is product for ProductCatalogOutputConfig and category for CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig.

For ProductCatalogOutputConfig, the replaceWithTypePrefixes property is set by default to:


This means, for example, that the brand property of the product item is given the name product.brand in the output records, and the onSale property of the sku item (which appears in the definition file as the childSKUs property of the product item) is given the name sku.onSale. Properties that are specific to a sku subtype are prefixed with the subtype name in the output records. For example, Commerce Reference Store has a furniture-sku subtype, so the woodFinish property (which is specific to this subtype) is given the output name furniture-sku.woodFinish, while onSale (which is common to all SKUs) is given the name sku.onSale.

Adding these prefixes ensures that there is no duplication of property or dimension names in Guided Search, in case different repository item types (or records from other sources) have identically named properties.

For CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig, the replaceWithTypePrefixes property is set to:


This means, for example, that the ancestorCatalogIds property of the category item is given the name category.ancestorCatalogIds in the output records.

If replaceWithTypePrefixes is null, the behavior is the same as if the property is set to a period; the type prefix is added to the names of the output properties of the top-level item. Note, however, that in this case the behavior is due to a default in the Java class, rather than the Nucleus configuration. So if you add a setting like the following in a properties file, the class default will no longer be in effect, which means the type prefix will not be added to properties of the top-level item:


To get the desired results, you should instead use a setting like this:


A mapping of property-name prefixes to their replacements. This mapping is applied after any type prefixes are added by replaceWithTypePrefixes.

For ProductCatalogOutputConfig, prefixReplacementMap is set by default to:


So, for example, the ancestorCategories.displayName property is renamed to product.ancestorCategories.displayName by applying replaceWithTypePrefixes, and then the result is renamed to allAncestors.displayName by applying prefixReplacementMap.

For CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig, prefixReplacementMap is set to null by default, so no prefix replacement is performed.


A mapping of property-name suffixes to their replacements. In addition to any mappings you specify in the properties file, the following mappings are automatically included:


These mappings remove the dollar-sign ($) character from the names of special repository properties, because this character is not valid in Guided Search property names.

The suffixReplacementMap property is set to null by default for both ProductCatalogOutputConfig and CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig, which means only the automatic mappings are used. You can exclude the automatic mappings by setting the addDefaultOutputNameReplacements property to false.

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