To associate click-through events with items placed in shopping carts, the /atg/reporting/datacollection/commerce/ItemAddedToOrderListener message sink responds to JMS messages of type atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder. ItemAddedToOrderListener passes the message to the /atg/reporting/datacollection/commerce/CommerceItemMarkerHandler component, which adds a marker to the commerce item. The marker key is atg.endeca, and the marker value is the search ID.

When submitted orders are loaded into the data warehouse, the OrderSubmitLoader uses the atg.endeca markers to track which purchased items are associated with searches. This information is used to generate search conversion reports.

See the Core Commerce Programming Guide for more information about the OrderSubmitLoader.

Configuring CommerceItemMarkerHandler

In order to add a marker to a commerce item placed in a shopping cart, the CommerceItemMarkerHandler component is configured to track the type of repository item it is (typically product, sku, or a subtype of product or sku). To enable this tracking, CommerceItemMarkerHandler has a recordItemDescriptorPropertyName property that is set to the name of a record property that holds the name of the item type.

The recordItemDescriptorPropertyName property is set by default to record.type.raw. This is a special property created by the /atg/endeca/index/accessor/ItemDescriptorNameAccessor component. By default, the ProductCatalogOutputConfig component’s XML definition file is configured to use this property accessor to include the record.type.raw property in the indexed records:

<property name="recordtyperaw" is-dimension="false" type="string"
 output-name="record.type.raw" is-non-repository-property="true"

The value of the record.type.raw record property is the name of an item type for the record. Typically it has multiple values. For example:

<PROP NAME="record.type.raw">
<PROP NAME="record.type.raw">

When an item is added to the cart, the record is checked to see if any of the values of record.type.raw match the item type. If so, a marker is added to the item. In the example above, if the item type is product or sku, a marker is added to the item.

The CommerceItemMarkerHandler component’s recordItemRepositoryIdProperty property should be set to the name of the record property that holds the repository ID of the document-level item for the record. By default, recordItemRepositoryIdProperty is set to product.repositoryId.

As with the record property used for storing and retrieving items in the record cache, the record properties specified by recordItemDescriptorPropertyName and recordItemRepositoryIdProperty must be listed in the fieldNames property of the ResultsListConfig component to ensure they are included in the ContentItem returned by the Assembler. If you change the value of recordItemDescriptorPropertyName or recordItemRepositoryIdProperty, be sure to modify fieldNames accordingly.

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