The ContentMgmt.Endeca.Index module contains two components of class atg.endeca.index.EndecaIndexingOutputConfig:

This section describes the default configuration of these components. For more information about EndecaIndexingOutputConfig components, see the Overview of Indexing and Configuring the Indexing Components chapters.


The component of class atg.endeca.index.configuration.IndexingApplicationConfiguration used to configure indexing settings for the integration. For both the ArticleOutputConfig and MediaContentOutputConfig components, the default setting is:


The full Nucleus pathname of the XML indexing definition file that specifies the repository item types and properties to include in the Guided Search records. For the ArticleOutputConfig component, this property is set as follows:


This file specifies the properties of the article item type to include in the index. The article.headline, article.abstract,, article.body, and article.tag output properties are specified as text searchable. The article.siteId,, and article.tag properties are specified as dimensions.

For the MediaContentOutputConfig component:


This file specifies the properties of the mediaContent item type to include in the index. The mediaContent.title, mediaContent.description, mediaContent.mediaType, and mediaContent.tag output properties are specified as text searchable. The mediaContent.siteId, mediaContent.mediaType, and mediaContent.tag properties are specified as dimensions.

Note that the MediaContentOutputConfig definition file sets the output name of the mediaContent.$url property (which holds the URL of the repository item) to mediaContent._url, to override the default output name of mediaContent.url. This is done to avoid a naming conflict with the url property of the mediaContent item type, which has a url property that holds the URL of the binary media file the item represents. So in output records, mediaContent.url is used for the URL of the binary media file, while mediaContent._url is used for the URL of the mediaContent repository item. For example:

<PROP NAME="mediaContent._url">
<PROP NAME="mediaContent.url">

The full Nucleus pathname of the repository that the definition file applies to. For both the ArticleOutputConfig and MediaContentOutputConfig components, this property is set to the content management repository:


In an ATG Content Administration environment, the repository should be set to the corresponding unversioned target repository:


The component (typically of class atg.endeca.index.RecordStoreDocumentSubmitter) to use to submit records to the appropriate CAS record store. For both the ArticleOutputConfig and MediaContentOutputConfig components, this property is set as follows:


See Document Submitter Components for more information.


If true, a baseline update is performed when a partial update is requested, if a value of a hierarchical dimension has been changed. For both the ArticleOutputConfig and MediaContentOutputConfig components, this property is set to false by default, because neither component generates hierarchical dimension values.


A Nucleus component of class atg.endeca.index.RecordStoreBulkLoaderImpl. For both the ArticleOutputConfig and MediaContentOutputConfig components, this property is set to /atg/search/repository/BulkLoader. This is the same bulk loader used by the ProductCatalogOutputConfig and CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig components.

See Data Loader Components for more information.


If true, incremental loading is enabled. This property is set to true for both the ArticleOutputConfig and MediaContentOutputConfig components.


A Nucleus component of class atg.endeca.index.RecordStoreIncrementalLoaderImpl. For both the ArticleOutputConfig and MediaContentOutputConfig components, this property is set to /atg/search/repository/IncrementalLoader. This is the same incremental loader used for the ProductCatalogOutputConfig and CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig components.

See Data Loader Components for more information.


A list of site IDs of the sites to include in the index. For both the ArticleOutputConfig and MediaContentOutputConfig components, this property is null by default, which means the sitesToIndex property (which is the actual property used to determine which sites to index) is automatically set to all enabled sites. Set siteIDsToIndex only if you want to restrict indexing to only a specific subset of the enabled sites.


A list of the property-name prefixes that should be replaced with the item type the property is associated with. If this property is null (the default setting for both the ArticleOutputConfig and MediaContentOutputConfig components), the type prefix is added to the names of the output properties of the top-level item (article for the ArticleOutputConfig component, mediaContent for the MediaContentOutputConfig component). See the EndecaIndexingOutputConfig Components of the Configuring the Indexing Components chapter for more information about setting this property.


A mapping of property-name prefixes to their replacements. This mapping is applied after any type prefixes are added by replaceWithTypePrefixes.

For both the ArticleOutputConfig and MediaContentOutputConfig components, this property is null by default, which means no prefix replacement is performed.


A mapping of property-name suffixes to their replacements. If this property is null (the default setting for both the ArticleOutputConfig and MediaContentOutputConfig components), these automatic mappings are used:


These mappings remove the dollar-sign ($) character from the names of special repository properties, because this character is not valid in Guided Search property names.

You can exclude the automatic mappings by setting the addDefaultOutputNameReplacements property to false.

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