In order for user segment security to work, you must add credentials in two places:

Modifications to REST security credentials stored in the credentialStoreMap are effective immediately after they are saved. Modifications to the Workbench security credential require a restart before those changes become available for use.

Managing Credentials in the credentialStoreMap

You can add a credential to the credentialStoreMap using either CIM or Dynamo Server Admin. Follow the instructions below to add a security credential to the credentialStoreMap using CIM.

Alternatively, you can add or delete security credentials using Dynamo Server Admin.

To enter security credentials in Dynamo Server Admin:

To delete an existing REST security credential:

Managing Credentials in the Workbench

To manage credentials in the Workbench, you use the manage_credentials script in the /credential_store/bin directory under ToolsAndFrameworks.

To add a credential to the Workbench:

To restart the ToolsAndFrameworks service:

To delete a credential:

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