Several property accessors are used by the CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig component to extract the values of various dimension value attributes from the data structures created by the CategoryTreeService component.

A component of class atg.endeca.index.accessor.ConstantValueAccessor, /atg/commerce/endeca/index/accessor/DimensionSpecPropertyAccessor, obtains the value of the dimval.dimension_spec attribute, which is a unique identifier for the dimension (typically product.category).

Several components of class atg.commerce.endeca.index.dimension.CategoryNodePropertyAccessor, also in the /atg/commerce/endeca/index/accessor/ Nucleus folder, obtain the values of various dimension value attributes. The following table lists these property accessors and describes the attributes they obtain values for. Note that the property names shown in the table are appropriate for use with CAS-based Guided Search deployment templates, and assume that the name changes specified in propertyNameReplacementMap property of the DimensionDocumentSubmitter component have been applied. See RecordStoreDocumentSubmitter for more information.

Property Accessor



category.rootCatalogId -- The repository ID of the root catalog the category belongs to (e.g., masterCatalog).


dimval.spec -- A unique identifier for the dimension value that includes the path information to distinguish it from other dimension values for the same category (e.g., cat10016.cat10014).


Endeca.Id -- A qualified identifier for the dimension value consisting of the dimval.dimension_name value and the dimval.spec value (e.g., product.category:cat10016.cat10014).


dimval.parent_spec -- A reference to the category’s parent category (e.g., cat10016).


dimval.display_order -- An integer specifying the order the category is displayed in, relative to its sibling categories.

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