If you are using the GroupingApplicationRoutingStrategy, as described in the Routingchapter, you need to ensure that separate records are created for each EAC application. For example, if you have a total of five sites, with one EAC application handling the data from two of the sites and another handling the data for the other three, two sets of records should be created, each reflecting the group of sites handled by one of the EAC applications.

To create these records, add the /atg/endeca/index/producer/MultipleSiteVariantProducer component to the ProductCatalogOutputConfig component’s variantProducers property. The MultipleSiteVariantProducer component is of class atg.endeca.index.producer.MultipleSiteVariantProducer, which is a subclass of the atg.endeca.index.producer.GroupingVariantProducer abstract class. MultipleSiteVariantProducer creates a separate variant for each grouping listed in the GroupingApplicationRoutingStrategy component’s applicationGroupingMap property. For example, suppose this property is set to:


MultipleSiteVariantProducer will create two sets of records, one for each EAC application listed in the Map keys.

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