There are a number of differences in the names of dimension value properties in Forge-based and CAS-based applications:

By default, the components that produce dimension value records (including the CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig, RepositoryTypeDimensionExporter, ArticleDimensionExporter, and MediaContentDimensionExporter components) output records whose property names reflect the older Forge-based deployment template. To support the naming conventions used with CAS-based deployment templates, the propertyNameReplacementMap property of the DimensionDocumentSubmitter component is used to map the older-style names to the new ones. By default, this property is set as follows:


So, for example, dimval.qualified_spec is renamed to Endeca.Id in the output records, dimval.dimension_spec is renamed to dimval.dimension_name, and dimval.prop.category.repositoryId is renamed to category.repositoryId.

For a Forge-based application, set the propertyNameReplacementMap property to null to restore the older-style names:


And set the idPropertyName property of the DimensionDocumentSubmitter component to dimval.qualified_spec:


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