If a static item type is included in an EndecaIndexingOutputConfig definition file, then any dynamic item types that are descendants of that item type are automatically available for indexing as well. For example, if you create an electricalProduct subtype of the product item type (which is included in the ProductCatalogOutputConfig definition file), electricalProduct items will be indexed, as will any subtypes of the electricalProduct item type.

To specify that a dynamic property should be included in the index (either a dynamic property of a static item type or a subtype-specific property of a dynamic subtype), you set the searchable attribute of the corresponding metadata item to true. For example, the following XML import file creates a metadata item for a dynamic property and specifies that it should be included in the MDEX:

<add-item item-descriptor="das_gsa_dynamic_prop" id="wattage"
  <set-property name="property_name"><![CDATA[wattage]]></set-property>
  <set-property name="item_descriptor"><![CDATA[electricalProduct]]>
  <set-property name="data_type"><![CDATA[float]]></set-property>
  <set-property name="repository">
  <set-property name="attribute_value"><![CDATA[writeable=true,

In addition, you need to set at least one of the following attributes to true to specify how the property is handled in the MDEX:

For example, to specify that the property should be both text searchable and a dimension, you could include the following in your import file:

<set-property name="attribute_value"><![CDATA[writeable=true,

Indexing settings that are specified through metadata item attributes override equivalent settings specified in an EndecaIndexingOutputConfig definition file. In the example above, if the dynamic property is specified for indexing in the definition file and its is-dimension attribute is set to false, this value is overridden by the dimension attribute setting in the das_gsa_dynamic_prop metadata item. Similarly, if you want to disable indexing of a property specified in an EndecaIndexingOutputConfig definition file, you can do this by setting the searchable attribute of the das_gsa_dynamic_prop metadata item to false.

Note that the available options for configuring indexing settings through repository item attributes are limited. Equivalent attributes exist only for a subset of the indexing settings that can be configured through EndecaIndexingOutputConfig definition files.

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