If the name of a user segment is changed in the Business Control Center, it is treated in Experience Manager as if a new segment with a new name has been added. For example, assume you have created a user segment in the Business Control Center called MySegment and, in Experience Manager, you have configured a cartridge called MyCartridge to be triggered when MySegment is part of the current query. If you subsequently change the name of MySegment to RenamedSegment, when you return to Experience Manager, the trigger for MyCartridge remains MySegment but this cartridge will never be triggered because MySegment no longer exists.

Also, if you look at the Add/Modify User Segments dialog box for MyCartridge, it will show RenamedSegment in the left hand pane, where segments that are available for selection are displayed, but it will continue to show MySegment in the right pane, where the currently selected segments are displayed. To reconfigure MyCartridge to use RenamedSegment as a trigger, you must remove MySegment from the currently selected segments list and add RenamedSegment to the list of triggers.

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