The Oracle Commerce Platform plug-in consists of extensions to the Business Control Center that provide access to four of the SSO server functions discussed above: login, validate, keep alive, and logout. (The other two functions, control and query, are accessed only by the Guided Search plug-in.) These extensions include the /atg/dynamo/servlet/dafpipeline/LightweightSSOServlet component (of class atg.userprofiling.sso.LightweightSSOServlet), which is inserted in the request-handling pipeline on the ATG Content Administration server. This component manages much of the communication between the ATG Content Administration server and the SSO server.

CIM includes options for configuring the SSO server instance. In addition, the CIM Commerce Add-Ons screen has a Single Sign-On option for configuring the ATG Content Administration server with information that enables it to communicate with the SSO server, such as the SSO server’s host name and port number.

The login, validate, keep alive, and logout functions are discussed below.

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